Father forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34)
Many verses in the scriptures about forgiveness that I read are in context, speaking to those in the body of Christ. For example, "Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive" (Colossians 3:13). Certainly, they apply to forgiving those in the world, but the world has no idea, they are without God, without hope, and act according to the world and its sinful passions.when reviled [he] did not revile in return, suffering [he] did not threaten but commended himself over to the one who judges justly (1 Peter 2:23)
The word reviled means to attack; to wrong; to persecute even. Persecution is one of the ways the evil one uses to cause us as believers not to grow into maturity. Paul writes, forfeiting grace can cause a root bitterness to grow and defile. Persecution is unfair treatment toward a person or group which causes injury, grieves, or afflicts. If you do wrong to someone like lie or steal or cheat or abuse and it causes affliction you are persecuting someone. When it comes to believers the scriptures give us warnings against causing a brother to stumble in their faith.
I have a hard time with I am wronged. It's first world issue for sure, but I recently bought a new truck and the dealership pulled one over on me. I know they are known for it but they are getting more and more clever in how they do it. For me they advertised the truck's MSRP $3,000 more than it actually was so the $10, 000 incentives/discounts they advertised I really did not get and they and charged me for a "Chevyman" package I did not receive, another $1000, and another $1200 unaccounted for,. So really I ended up paying close to the real MSRP. I was wronged and it bothered me. I love the truck but its enjoyment quickly faded.
Wrong is where the devil has been hitting me over and over again. God is using it to teach me. Jesus was wronged badly nailed to a cross yet he asked the father to forgive them. Once I did not know any better, I was like the world given over to it passions and sinful desires, yet he forgave me and made me alive. When I compare the wrong to what Jesus has forgiven and where I am heading for eternity because of the wrong he suffered, the wrong I suffer pales in comparison. Yes, I am called to holiness, my mistakes are not to be taken lightly but I still mess up, and he still cleanses me from all unrighteousness.
but you were washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
As I was reading scripture tonight I felt God's presence about the truck matter and his wisdom. So they wronged me. Surely, there should be laws in place to stop it and there should not exist an attitude "that's just how they work." Paul, writes, do not be deceived, the greedy and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). God will have his vengeance on the unrighteous one day. I pray for them. I was once like them but I was washed and cleansed and I am a new creation. In the scheme of things a few dollars and our earthly accomplishment even though some are honorable in the world's eyes, means nothing compared to eternity. I pray for their souls.