do you know because if you present yourself like as to the extent listening, existing which you obey, either sin to the extent of death, either listen to the extent of righteousness. Now, the grace of God, because existing of sin, you listened now from the heart to the type of teaching which you committed (Romans 6:16-17)
Baptism is often expressed as the commitment to follow Jesus. And it is but many are not taught its teachings, as Paul writes "the type of teaching which you committed" so do not understanding the meaning of the underling commitment. If I am not taught what I am committing to, in regards to baptism, then how can I understand it's commitment? The scriptures give us the meaning of this commitment.
We are free in Christ, in regards to the Mosaic Law, but not all things are beneficial to me and some can actually bring my into captivity again to the flesh (1 Corinthians 6). The Spirit and the flesh are opposed to one another thus as a believer I must learn to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Through the Spirit and the teaching of baptism we are to put the death the flesh and its desires and passions and be led to grow from being a child of God to becoming a son. The understanding of this is really at the heart of our commitment to follow Jesus.
"The way to heaven is downhill as to yourself. As Christ went down to the grave that he might come up again and fulfill all things, so must you go down to his cross, and down to his grave, and self must be dead and buried with Christ. Then will you learn the meaning of your baptism, and make it true that you are buried with him to all the world, and to yourself also, for so only can you rise into fullness of life." -- Charles Spurgeon
.... you listened now from the heart to the type of teaching which you committed (Romans 6:17)
The word listened is often translated as obedience, but the scriptures caution us not to follow false teachings of of legalism that want to take us back to laws, precepts, elemental principles of do not touch, taste, smell... (Colossians 2:21-23). The word listened has deep meaning (from hypo, meaning "under" and the verb ἀκούω akouo, meaning "to hear") meaning to hearken to, obey, answer. It is being a doer and not just a hearer only. To listen is doing works that mature us.*
because the one who sows to his own flesh from the flesh reaps corruption, now, the one sowing to the extent of the Spirit, from the Spirit reaps eternal life (Galatians 6:8 )
... unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth to die, it abides alone, now if dies it bears much fruit (John 12:24)
and put on the new man, the one created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth (Ephesians 4:24)