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Knowing Christ and Him Crucified

I also came to you, brothers, not coming accordingly with superior speech or wisdom as I announce to you the testimony of God, for I made a distinction, to know nothing among you, if not Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:1-2)

Notice that Paul is not saying I made it a point to preach nothing but Jesus crucified. He says he wanted to know nothing more than to know Jesus and him crucified. He is not saying to reduce the proclamation of the gospel to only Jesus dying on a cross. Knowing Jesus is at the heart of Paul's message, in Ephesians 1, he prays they would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing Jesus, and that through knowing him they would enlightened. Also, Paul speaks of having fellowship in the suffering of Christ to be conformed to death, so also to experience his life. There is much teaching in in what it means to be crucified in Christ, Romans 6 talks about being united in his death, to know and be conform to his death,  crucified with him. Mere wisdom of men would reduce the gospel, but godly wisdom, that comes down from heaven proclaims knowing Christ and him crucified.

now, you exist from him in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God and these; righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, as it is written, 'let the one boasting, boast in the Lord.' I also came to you... to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:30-1 Corinthians 2:1-2)

"I also came to you" to know "Jesus Christ and him crucified" refers back to the previous verse and the verses ahead, thus in context. From God Christ exists our wisdom. Now, we see clearly in Paul's teachings it is not a narrowed down thing, to know Christ. When he says Christ exists our wisdom their is much wisdom in that. And how much teaching of redemption and righteousness and sanctification comes packaged in this free gift from God so that we do not boast in our works. There is much to say about the subject of knowing Christ. Much to know and teach about the spiritual blessings we receive from God in Christ, Ephesians 1. If we know Jesus more, we become enlightened in our understanding through a spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing him.

his divine power has freely given to us all that for life and godliness though the knowledge of the one calling you, his own glory and gracious act (2 Peter 1:3) 

Oh the mystery being manifested and revealed to us in Christ, through knowing Jesus, life and godliness given and all the spiritual blessings we have received, from the riches of his glory and grace and by the council of his will and his good pleasure, to make known these things to us in Christ. Do you want more life and godliness to which you have been called? then grow in grace and in knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18). Let us not be like the church in Sardis who had a reputation for good works and life, but existed dead (Revelation 3:1-6). Or the church of the Laodiceans who mistook earthly blessings as from God, thinking they were rich because of possessing earthly riches but were poor in need of true riches. Let us not have Jesus knocking on the church doors, "Look, I stand at the door and knock..." (Revelations 3:21-22)

to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, if somehow to attain the resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:10-11)

There is much to knowing Jesus Christ and him crucified. Do you know what it means to be united in his death and crucified with him? Do you know him and have fellowship with him in his suffering? Do you know of his life? That he exists the word of life whose words are eternal life? Do you know of the many spiritual blessings you have received in knowing Christ? Do you know of the inexpressible love that comes through knowing Christ and of the hope of your calling, the glory, the inheritance among the saints, the power available to you all in knowing and believing in Christ. Do you know of the mystery and the manifold wisdom of God being made known? May we know of these things, and of life and godliness through the knowledge of Jesus.


Knowing him the fellowship of his suffering being conformed to his death

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