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Joined With Christ: In Body

hence why a man leaves the father and the mother and joins with that his wife and the two exist one flesh. This mystery is profound, now, I speak to the extent of Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:31-32)

The word surrender is not used in the process of growth in scriptures. What is used is being joined with Christ in his suffering, united in his death, and crucified with him. There is a great mystery in joining to Christ in our bodies. We must first be joined with Christ spiritually.*  Then just as a man leaves his father and mother and joins with his wife, the two become one flesh, we too become joined with Christ bodily.

for the husband exists the head of the wife like as Christ also the head of the church, himself the savior of the body (Ephesians 5:23-23)

Paul is describing the relationship between a man and woman when they leave their parents and join in marriage whereby two become as one flesh, (which is also spoken as the consummation of marriage through sex which if happening outside of marriage is considered sexual immorality, 1 Corinthians 6:15-18). After saying this Paul then says he is speaking of Christ and the church. He calls the church the bride of Christ and his goal is to present her in splendor and honor and purity (Ephesians 5:27). So in marriage two become one in flesh. Paul describes our being released from the Mosaic Law and joined to Christ in terms of marriage (Romans 7:1-4).

do you not know your members belong to Christ? then shall I take away the member of Christ and make them a member of a prostitute? Not becoming, either do you not know because the one joined to a prostitute exist one body, for it says 'two exists one flesh' now the one joined to the Lord exists one spirit (1 Corinthians 6:15-18)

That you can take Christ's member and join with a prostitute to become one flesh, speaks of a joining with Christ in the flesh, though we are joined with him in spirit. Now, we connect the scriptures, Christ is the head of the church and savior of the body. Not just the body of the church but of its members, of the man and woman. Like Christ takes care of the church the husband is to care for the wife, Paul explains, and as the church is subject to Christ, the wife is subject to the husband. Now, we look past the earthly, as there will be no marriage in heaven, and we speak of the church.

husband love your wives just as also Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her... (Ephesians 5:25) 

We see a circular truth in this. The wife is subject to the husband and the husband loves the wife and gives himself up for her. Just as Christ gave himself up, "savior of the body" so that he might sanctify her, cleansing of the washing of the word so to present the church [bride] to himself in splendor, not having spot either wrinkle, either any such thing, rather so to be holy also, in this way husbands also should love their wives as their own bodies" (Ephesians 5:25-28). How did Christ give himself up for the church?

you know because the leaders of the nations accordingly rule over them and greatly exercise authority over them. Existing not so among you. But whoever would be great among you exist your servants and whoever wills to be first among you exists yours just as the Son of Man came not to be served rather to serve and to give his life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:25-29). 

I have never heard this scripture taught in entirety. It is foundational in how we should view ministry. How did Christ give himself up for the church, "who began first in the form of God, he did not take lead, not regarding equality with God to be exercised, rather, he emptied himself taking on the form becoming in likeness of man and found in the image like as man, he humbled himself becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:6-11). Jesus was God, he is the Alpha, but he did not exercise this authority over men, nor take the lead though he was first in all, no, he gave himself up for the church, (he emptied or deprived himself of his godly position) just as a husband should give himself up for his wife, and just as a servant of Christ (a minister) should give himself up for Christ's wife, the church. 

 just as also Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her... (Ephesians 5:25) 

Here is the circlet truth again. Wives be subject to your husbands like as the church is subject to Christ. Husbands love your wives and give yourself up for her just as Christ gave himself up for the church. Do you see it? How did Christ give himself up for the church? He became a servant, even to the point of death. Wives be subject to your husband, husbands serve your wives. Who is the leader in such a circle? In the kingdom of God, the greatest becomes a servant of all, and does not lord over and exercise authority over others. 

whoever wills to be first among you exists your [servant] just as the Son of Man came not to be served rather to serve and to give his life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:29). 

The same truth applies to ministers. If someone is a servant of all, how can they then exercise authority over others? How can I say "I am your servant but I have authority over you in Christ?" It is a contradiction in terms. Oh, it is spiritual authority you say. Christ is head of the church in which the body grows.

now, speaking truth in love, grow up all to the extent of him, who exists the head Christ (Ephesians 4:15)

I picture Christ as the head in who we grow much like a sunflower head, in which many flowers are joined together and grow into maturity eventually becoming many seeds. It is such important truth in regards to how the church will grow. If men are servants, giving themselves up for the body then they will love the body as they love their own bodies and as Christ does the body. Thus the bond of love, which purpose is to work with truth in maturing the church, will cause the body to grow, truth in love as each partis joined together. Those who plant and water are nothing, it is God who gives growth to the church, both exist one, God's laborer's, existing God's field and God's building (1 Corinthians 3:6-9).

... like as Christ also exists the head of the church, himself the savior of the body (Ephesians 5:23-23)

Christ is also savior of the body. Spiritually we were made alive but now his life is to experienced in this body of death, thus the Spirit gives life to this mortal body, both when we receive the consummation of our salvation the redemption of our bodies and glorious freedom as children of God but also when we walk on this earth. Salvation exists in three parts, spirit,, soul, and body, and Christ exists the savior of all.

... just as Christ loves the church because existing members of his body, for this a man leaves his father and mother and joins to his wife and the two become one (Ephesians 5:29-32)

We leave the world in its fleshly desires and join with Christ existing one flesh. Christ gave himself up for the church and he loves the church as his own body, nourishing it and taking care of it as we exist members of his body. As we join with Christ in his suffering, and conforming to his death, we die to the flesh, its desires of the world. The one who has died is dead to sin, and the old self has been crucified with Christ, joined in his death (Romans 6:6-11). 

that I know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering, being conformed to his death, if somehow attaining the resurrection from the dead. Not because I already received either already perfect [matured] but I press on if also to accordingly receive to the extent like as also Christ Jesus accordingly received me (Philippians 3:10-12)

Oh, Christ Jesus has made us his own, we are joined with him in spirit and we are being conformed to his death, so also to experience more of his life while in the world. The Spirit of life thus gives life to this mortal body until the mortal is swallowed up in the immortal, we receiving glorious freedom as children of God. Oh, what hope in which we are save! The word conformed is συμμορφίζω (symmorphizō, from syn "together with" or join and morphḗ "form embodying essence") - properly sharing the same form from embodying the same inner reality (spiritual form); to be conformed to the glory of Christ. This is why for those in Christ all things work for his good, because this is what God eternally purposed in Christ to be conformed (symmorphizō) to the image of his Son (Romans 8:28-30). Joined in spirit with Christ, having been received as a member, now, being conformed to his death bodily, so to be conformed to his image and life.

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