For our momentary lightness of affliction, is producing in us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.*
I often find it frustrating that things are always falling apart. We say they do not make things the way they used to, but in reality, it's all falling apart, my truck, my home... my body. The scriptures tell us creation itself is moaning to be set free from its bondage to corruption and decay.* Thank God there will be a time of restoration of all things.* According to His promise, we should be expectant of a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness is at home.* For us who are new creations in Christ, we are being made new, and the Spirit "groans inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."* We experience various trials for various reasons, God has a plan for us. We suffer for various reasons; because we live in a fallen world, for the purpose of maturity, so that God is glorified, or because of persecution, divine discipline, or so that we grow strong in the Lord so to help others. Understanding why God allows suffering helps us to endure, so we do not lose heart.
For creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;*
Paul writes God had a plan before the creation of the world.* He created the heavens and the earth, and all in it. He created man and woman, creating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and telling them not to eat from it. We often blame Adam and Eve for this mess but God foreknows right? I believe He knew that they would eat from the tree and this was part of his plan before he created the world. In general, suffering is the state of a fallen world under the corruption of sin. But we see here Paul writes creation was subjected to futility by God. It might seem some suffer less, but all suffer. Possibly those deceived by the devil suffer less, but unless they know Jesus their happiness here on earth is but for a moment and their suffering for an eternity. For us in Christ, suffering in this world is but a light momentary affliction compared to the glory of eternity where there is no more suffering. It is good to know this, so to have a heavenly mindset. Let us consider Christ, Paul writes, who suffered, so we do not lose heart.*
In the days of His flesh, who offered up prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears, to the one powerfully able to save him from death, and he was heard from his reverence, although existing a Son he learned obedience from what he suffered.*
For creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;*
Paul writes God had a plan before the creation of the world.* He created the heavens and the earth, and all in it. He created man and woman, creating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and telling them not to eat from it. We often blame Adam and Eve for this mess but God foreknows right? I believe He knew that they would eat from the tree and this was part of his plan before he created the world. In general, suffering is the state of a fallen world under the corruption of sin. But we see here Paul writes creation was subjected to futility by God. It might seem some suffer less, but all suffer. Possibly those deceived by the devil suffer less, but unless they know Jesus their happiness here on earth is but for a moment and their suffering for an eternity. For us in Christ, suffering in this world is but a light momentary affliction compared to the glory of eternity where there is no more suffering. It is good to know this, so to have a heavenly mindset. Let us consider Christ, Paul writes, who suffered, so we do not lose heart.*
In the days of His flesh, who offered up prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears, to the one powerfully able to save him from death, and he was heard from his reverence, although existing a Son he learned obedience from what he suffered.*
We often hear Jesus prayed a lot but did you know he offered up prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears? Isaiah prophecied of this, "He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief."* Jesus said blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. We will see a reason for suffering is so that we learn to be comforted, so to comfort others. Jesus wept entering Jerusalem because they would not recognize God had become flesh to dwell among them.* Paul writes he counted all things as loss in order to know Jesus, which included having fellowship in His suffering.* Is Paul saying to know the power of His resurrection, we must be conformed to His death, and have fellowship in His suffering? He writes, "if children also heirs of God, now coheir with Christ provided we suffer with him so that also glorified."* Peter writes we are called to suffer.* A reason for suffering is our glorification. If we are chosen, then predestined, called, justified, and glorified with Him, being conformed to His image.*
always bearing in the body the dying of Jesus so that the life of Jesus is brought to light, and displayed in our bodies.*
We suffer so that Jesus may be brought to light in our bodies.* What a testimony to Christ this is, the workmanship he prepares beforehand. The world is blinded by the god of this world, Satan, so they can not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, but in us from darkness, the light has shined, flooding our hearts with the glorious knowledge of God in the face of Christ.* Paul goes on to say this treasure is in jars of clay so that the surpassing power belongs to God and not from us.* In this fragile jar of clay, God is glorified when his Life is brought to light in our bodies. This life is in us provided we suffer with him so it is displayed in our bodies, and this is the Light to men, His life being displayed in us! "In him exists life and that life exists the light of men."* There is no greater glory given to the world than the life of Christ being displayed in this jar of clay. God puts his Spirit inwardly, and we can say that part is holy but what glorifies God is when we bear fruit outwardly of being like him.
We suffer so His glory is revealed. If you suffer for doing wrong these are consequences of your actions. Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasars. But if you suffer for Christ rejoice and be glad His glory is being revealed. "Friends, do not be surprised by the trial of fire coming among you as if it were something strange happening to you, rather rejoice in so far you share in the suffering of Christ so that in that His glory is revealed, also rejoice and be glad, if reviled in the name of Christ you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God is resting upon you."* Before Stephen was martyred, the book of Acts says he was full of grace and filled with the Spirit, his face shined like an angels' face.* Surely, through Stephen this concept is given as an example, the glory of God was revealed through his body. Another reason Paul writes we suffer for Christ is "because the time first of judgment begins with the house of God, now, if first with us what will be the end of those not believing the gospel of God?"* God is judging the church, not like a condemnation of sinners but like children whom he loves and disciplines, refining us so that we share in His holy character, it is then that we are a light to the world.
In which rejoice, if at present for a short time sorrowful by various trials, so that the proving of your faith (more precious than gold that perishes) proven through the fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ.*
We suffer because it is used to refine, prove, make us mature in Christ. Affliction is the refining fire that proves or tests the genuineness of our faith. James says that the outcome of the proving is maturity.* Thus to become mature, one is proved in the trial. The true definition of His workmanship created beforehand is found in understanding this proving. The word proving means; that by means of which anything is tried, proof, criterion, test (trial, the act of trying or putting to proof, Jas. 1:3; approved character, 1 Pet. 1:7) Transformation, the renewing of the mind is proving, so that you may prove, test the will of God that it is good and acceptable, and perfect.* This implies the renewing of the mind comes through proving, in the test, the trial, the suffering. The vessel is prepared, refined, He is the potter and we are the clay molded into a vessel that glorifies Him. The prophets foresaw into Jesus' coming "like a refiner’s fire..."* They knew that the testing or proving was refining, "For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver."* It is refining in the furnace of affliction, "See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction."* "I will turn my hand against you and will smelt away your dross as with lye and remove all your alloy."* “Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people?"* "Each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done."* The testing is often said to be a testing of the genuineness of our faith. In Hebrews, we see the concept that God is a consuming fire, who will once more shake the earth so that what is left is that unshakable, his kingdom.*
We suffer so that we are strengthened in Christ. The suffering we encounter strengthens us, and from this strength, we can strengthen others. The God of all grace in the suffering states, His grace is sufficient as it is His power strengthening. The sifting of Peter by Satan, Jesus said was for this purpose, "that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”* While Peter denied Christ, he returned after suffering for a little while, restored, confirmed, strengthened, and established. The suffering of Peter did not end there, he died a martyr, as Jesus told Peter when he was old, he would be led away against his will to die for the glory of God.* Tradition says he was crucified for Christ. If we read in context 1 Peter we understand the outcome of true grace is suffering that strengthens us in Christ. Paul also writes of this grace, it is sufficient, so that we are not self-sufficient, but reliant on God's power which is perfecting or maturing us in our weakness. Again it is God preparing the weak vessel to be strong so He is glorified and we are used by Him to strengthen the brethren.
Finally, grow strong in the Lord, in the might of His strength, putting on the armor of God towards the powerful ability to stand against the schemes of the devil...*
To grow strong I have to do battle against the schemes of the devil. He shoots fiery arrows at me, not just regular arrows, but fiery ones. Think of a fiery arrow, if my shield of faith fails and my armor repels it, a fiery arrow can still do damage, catching my garments on fire. The devil tries to penetrate my mind and heart, to take away my peace and joy, so I am fearful and anxious, doubting, and judging according to unbelief. Paul writes elsewhere the helmet is the hope of salvation, so the devil tries to take away hope. Together with other scripture, we see the breastplate is of faith, love, and righteousness.* These are the areas the devil attacks and if I lack knowing the truth in these areas I do not have on the full armor. He uses the word of God against me, so I must be confident in truth, the word of God abiding in me. I am told to battle the schemes of the devil and evil forces, this implies God allows the devil and these forces to attack me? Yes, God revealed this to me when I was getting discouraged, constantly bombarded, even in my sleep. Jesus reminded me it was meant to strengthen me.
Having the right perspective is important. If we do not understand this, that God is teaching us, to grow strong in the Lord we will get discouraged. When I know my identity in regards to my righteousness in Christ, having been rooted and founded in love, also having the mindset of the faith of Abraham who did not judge according to unbelief but was strengthened in faith, until he believed the promises of God fully, then I will stand in grace. "Take up the armor of God, so that you have a powerful ability to stand in the evil day, having brought into effect the whole, stand."* God is teaching me to stand, to bring into effect, the whole armor and weapons of offense. He is working out my soul salvation, which Peter amazingly writes is the goal of our faith, which also happens in the proving of faith tested by fire.
... so the proving of your faith (more precious than gold that perishes) tested by fire... rejoice with joy unspeakable and magnified, you are obtaining the goal of your faith; the salvation of your soul.*
We suffer to obtain the goal of faith; the salvation of our souls. I am already saved by grace, I do not work for my salvation, so what does Peter mean the salvation of my soul? Paul explains it as a working out of our salvation.* It helps if we look at salvation in three parts, spirit, soul, and body. It begins inward, we come into existence a new creation in Christ. We are predestined for adoption, given a Spirit of adoption, who is a pledge of our inheritance. Our spirit sits in the heavenlies with Christ, we can say that part of us is holy and sanctified. But can we for the body? For the body, we are awaiting salvation to come, the redemption of our bodies. We can say until this salvation our bodies are not fully holy. The Spirit is bringing life to our bodies, putting to death the deeds of the body in which is glorification, sharing in His character, his light being revealed in our bodies.
In between is the salvation of our souls, it's our personality, character, mind. God begins by changing the inward, giving us a new heart, and putting his Spirit within us. I believe the salvation of our souls is the working out of our salvation so that our external character aligns with our new inner man which is a partaker of his divine nature. This is called bearing fruit, practicing truth, obedience. The discipline of God is so we share in his holiness or it works outs the salvation of the inner man so to be like Him in character in our soul and body. This is also called transformation, the renewing of the mind, and God is "working out" all things for our good according to this purpose. We are being conformed into the image of Christ. The proving of our faith which is testing by fire is more precious to God than earthly blessings of gold and silver. And this is true in regards to our reasonable service, it is the sacrifice acceptable to God, one that is greater than any other service or sacrifice; to present the body a living sacrifice unto holiness.*
for indeed our God is a consuming fire.*
We suffer because God is treating us as sons, so to share in his holiness. The punishing side of discipline is painful, suffering. The meaning of God as a consuming fire is of the concept of a refiners fire. "Yet once more declaring the removal of what can be shaken, who establishes that the one that can't be shaken remains. Since receiving a kingdom that can't be shaken, have a grateful mind through worshiping God in an acceptable manner, that with reverence and awe."* God is shaking things up a bit! Why? So that what is left are people who are unshakable, strong. In this we see why God disciplines his sons, it is related to God's purpose in Christ before creating the world, so to exist before him blameless in his presence, sharing in his holiness.* To those He has called according to his purpose, he is working this out for our good which should encourage us, that we are treated as sons. "You have not yet resisted to the point of bloodshed as you struggle against sin and have you forgotten the word of encouragement that speaks to you as sons? My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord..."* Unlike the spirit of fear and timidity the devil promotes which enslaves people to worldly sorrow and death and false religion, godly discipline shakes you up for your benefit, to remove impurities, it consumes like a refiners fire would remove the dross in silver, also producing a healthy fear, reverence, and peaceful fruit of righteousness. The promise He gives within the trial by fire is that He will never leave nor forsake us.
Now, all discipline at the time seems not pleasant but painful. But later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.*
We suffer because of tribulations in this world. Jesus told us persecution would happen to us, he said this so we do not lose heart when it comes. "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven...* Paul writes, "indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"* "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."* The way of Christ is a narrow way and there are few who find it. Though there are difficult wilderness journeys there are many blessings in Christ along the way, and there is living bread and water. We experience victory in this world through our faith, greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. One important thing God has been teaching me is that our joy, hope, and peace are not based upon the circumstances of this world. And spiritual warfare is a place the Lord strengthens. True strength in the Lord is not dependant upon God blessing my earthly life with earthly things and comfort but upon heavenly blessings. Often knowing Christ deeper is through fellowship in His suffering. God is working in me to have such a heavenly perspective. In Ephesians, Paul writes of the heavenly blessings we have in Christ so we can think and meditate on these things.
For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also does the encouragement we receive through Christ overflow.*
Now, not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering works out endurance, and endurance, proving, and proving, hope, and hope doesn't put to shame because the love of God pours into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, the one given to us.*
on account of the abundance of revelations, so I did not exalt myself, it was given to me a thorn of the flesh, messengers of Satan to torment me, so I did not exalt myself.*
Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.*
And we know that in all things God works for the good to the ones loved of God, the ones existing called according to purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son... what then shall we say to these things? if God is for us who can be against us.*
God is for us, not against us, "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope."* He is working out all things for our good, to those called according to his purpose, that which he purposed in Christ before the creation of the world. In this working out for our good there are various trials and suffering and tribulations for various reasons; that Jesus may be brought to light in our bodies, united with him in death so to experience His life, to know Him more through fellowship in His suffering, to be tested, tried, proved so we become mature sharing in His holy character, so we are comforted and strengthened in the Lord able to sympathize with others encouraging them to grow strong from their suffering. This momentary lightness of affliction pales in comparison to the glory being revealed in us and to that which awaits us. In suffering let us rejoice and praise the Lord, he is for us.
always bearing in the body the dying of Jesus so that the life of Jesus is brought to light, and displayed in our bodies.*
"His light exists in us, this is the treasure though we exist in jars of clay. We are jars of clay, pressed from all sides, but not crushed. Emptied but not utterly at loss. Thrown about, but not abandoned. Cast down but not broken... always carrying about in the body, the putting to death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus is brought to Light, brought to light in our bodies."*for no one should suffer as a murderer or thief or criminal, or as a meddler, rather, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God on account of His name.*
We suffer so His glory is revealed. If you suffer for doing wrong these are consequences of your actions. Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasars. But if you suffer for Christ rejoice and be glad His glory is being revealed. "Friends, do not be surprised by the trial of fire coming among you as if it were something strange happening to you, rather rejoice in so far you share in the suffering of Christ so that in that His glory is revealed, also rejoice and be glad, if reviled in the name of Christ you are blessed because the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God is resting upon you."* Before Stephen was martyred, the book of Acts says he was full of grace and filled with the Spirit, his face shined like an angels' face.* Surely, through Stephen this concept is given as an example, the glory of God was revealed through his body. Another reason Paul writes we suffer for Christ is "because the time first of judgment begins with the house of God, now, if first with us what will be the end of those not believing the gospel of God?"* God is judging the church, not like a condemnation of sinners but like children whom he loves and disciplines, refining us so that we share in His holy character, it is then that we are a light to the world.
In which rejoice, if at present for a short time sorrowful by various trials, so that the proving of your faith (more precious than gold that perishes) proven through the fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ.*
We suffer because it is used to refine, prove, make us mature in Christ. Affliction is the refining fire that proves or tests the genuineness of our faith. James says that the outcome of the proving is maturity.* Thus to become mature, one is proved in the trial. The true definition of His workmanship created beforehand is found in understanding this proving. The word proving means; that by means of which anything is tried, proof, criterion, test (trial, the act of trying or putting to proof, Jas. 1:3; approved character, 1 Pet. 1:7) Transformation, the renewing of the mind is proving, so that you may prove, test the will of God that it is good and acceptable, and perfect.* This implies the renewing of the mind comes through proving, in the test, the trial, the suffering. The vessel is prepared, refined, He is the potter and we are the clay molded into a vessel that glorifies Him. The prophets foresaw into Jesus' coming "like a refiner’s fire..."* They knew that the testing or proving was refining, "For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver."* It is refining in the furnace of affliction, "See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction."* "I will turn my hand against you and will smelt away your dross as with lye and remove all your alloy."* “Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people?"* "Each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done."* The testing is often said to be a testing of the genuineness of our faith. In Hebrews, we see the concept that God is a consuming fire, who will once more shake the earth so that what is left is that unshakable, his kingdom.*
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.1 Peter 5:10
Finally, grow strong in the Lord, in the might of His strength, putting on the armor of God towards the powerful ability to stand against the schemes of the devil...*
To grow strong I have to do battle against the schemes of the devil. He shoots fiery arrows at me, not just regular arrows, but fiery ones. Think of a fiery arrow, if my shield of faith fails and my armor repels it, a fiery arrow can still do damage, catching my garments on fire. The devil tries to penetrate my mind and heart, to take away my peace and joy, so I am fearful and anxious, doubting, and judging according to unbelief. Paul writes elsewhere the helmet is the hope of salvation, so the devil tries to take away hope. Together with other scripture, we see the breastplate is of faith, love, and righteousness.* These are the areas the devil attacks and if I lack knowing the truth in these areas I do not have on the full armor. He uses the word of God against me, so I must be confident in truth, the word of God abiding in me. I am told to battle the schemes of the devil and evil forces, this implies God allows the devil and these forces to attack me? Yes, God revealed this to me when I was getting discouraged, constantly bombarded, even in my sleep. Jesus reminded me it was meant to strengthen me.
Having the right perspective is important. If we do not understand this, that God is teaching us, to grow strong in the Lord we will get discouraged. When I know my identity in regards to my righteousness in Christ, having been rooted and founded in love, also having the mindset of the faith of Abraham who did not judge according to unbelief but was strengthened in faith, until he believed the promises of God fully, then I will stand in grace. "Take up the armor of God, so that you have a powerful ability to stand in the evil day, having brought into effect the whole, stand."* God is teaching me to stand, to bring into effect, the whole armor and weapons of offense. He is working out my soul salvation, which Peter amazingly writes is the goal of our faith, which also happens in the proving of faith tested by fire.
... so the proving of your faith (more precious than gold that perishes) tested by fire... rejoice with joy unspeakable and magnified, you are obtaining the goal of your faith; the salvation of your soul.*
We suffer to obtain the goal of faith; the salvation of our souls. I am already saved by grace, I do not work for my salvation, so what does Peter mean the salvation of my soul? Paul explains it as a working out of our salvation.* It helps if we look at salvation in three parts, spirit, soul, and body. It begins inward, we come into existence a new creation in Christ. We are predestined for adoption, given a Spirit of adoption, who is a pledge of our inheritance. Our spirit sits in the heavenlies with Christ, we can say that part of us is holy and sanctified. But can we for the body? For the body, we are awaiting salvation to come, the redemption of our bodies. We can say until this salvation our bodies are not fully holy. The Spirit is bringing life to our bodies, putting to death the deeds of the body in which is glorification, sharing in His character, his light being revealed in our bodies.
In between is the salvation of our souls, it's our personality, character, mind. God begins by changing the inward, giving us a new heart, and putting his Spirit within us. I believe the salvation of our souls is the working out of our salvation so that our external character aligns with our new inner man which is a partaker of his divine nature. This is called bearing fruit, practicing truth, obedience. The discipline of God is so we share in his holiness or it works outs the salvation of the inner man so to be like Him in character in our soul and body. This is also called transformation, the renewing of the mind, and God is "working out" all things for our good according to this purpose. We are being conformed into the image of Christ. The proving of our faith which is testing by fire is more precious to God than earthly blessings of gold and silver. And this is true in regards to our reasonable service, it is the sacrifice acceptable to God, one that is greater than any other service or sacrifice; to present the body a living sacrifice unto holiness.*
for indeed our God is a consuming fire.*
We suffer because God is treating us as sons, so to share in his holiness. The punishing side of discipline is painful, suffering. The meaning of God as a consuming fire is of the concept of a refiners fire. "Yet once more declaring the removal of what can be shaken, who establishes that the one that can't be shaken remains. Since receiving a kingdom that can't be shaken, have a grateful mind through worshiping God in an acceptable manner, that with reverence and awe."* God is shaking things up a bit! Why? So that what is left are people who are unshakable, strong. In this we see why God disciplines his sons, it is related to God's purpose in Christ before creating the world, so to exist before him blameless in his presence, sharing in his holiness.* To those He has called according to his purpose, he is working this out for our good which should encourage us, that we are treated as sons. "You have not yet resisted to the point of bloodshed as you struggle against sin and have you forgotten the word of encouragement that speaks to you as sons? My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord..."* Unlike the spirit of fear and timidity the devil promotes which enslaves people to worldly sorrow and death and false religion, godly discipline shakes you up for your benefit, to remove impurities, it consumes like a refiners fire would remove the dross in silver, also producing a healthy fear, reverence, and peaceful fruit of righteousness. The promise He gives within the trial by fire is that He will never leave nor forsake us.
Now, all discipline at the time seems not pleasant but painful. But later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.*
We suffer because of divine discipline. We are trained by divine discipline for a purpose, "He disciplines us for our benefit so we share of his holy character."* The writer of Hebrew tells us that God disciplines his children and if we are without discipline we are illegitimate. Discipline has both the positive aspect of teaching and the negative of admonishing. Here we see the negative side of discipline, God punishes (scourges, whips) those he loves.* In Hebrews, we see the work of godly discipline is to produce maturity. Maturity is also called perfection and can be defined as sharing in His holy character. Paul writes in Ephesians this is the purpose of the Church that it matures children into full adulthood, into the image of Christ. The good that God is working out according to His will and purpose is that we are becoming like Jesus, sharing in his character. So we are to be encouraged that God is treating us as sons, and endure the suffering of divine discipline as sons.
consider it joy, my brothers, when encountering various trials, knowing that the proving of your faith produces endurance. Now, possessing endurance, having its work of perfection, that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.*
We suffer to become complete. This gives us an outlook on suffering, it produces wholeness, "by his stripes, we are healed." James tells us in suffering the work of endurance yields maturity and wholeness. Peter clarifies that this maturity, wholeness is obtained in the trial, "after suffering a little He will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."* So maturity and wholeness can be defined as restoration, confirmation, strengthening, and establishing. And as Paul tells us, finally grow strong and work it out, which implies a maturity having come from growing strong in the Lord, in the might of his strength. Peter understood strength in suffering, having suffered, sifted by the devil. God disciplines us so that we grow up, and the true grace of God will produce strength in weakness, so producing maturity. There is a time to be a child, rooted and grounded in love and faith then there is time to grow up, to put away childish thinking and behavior. The trials we encounter can be various, the suffering various, but it is the proving in the trial which is the right of passage into adulthood. But there are things that keep us from maturity. James writes if we are doubleminded we will not receive wisdom from God to become mature. The double mind that waivers is an unapproved mind, not proved, it will not endure the proving in the trial. It looks away, not intently into the perfect law that would perfect and mature but is a forgetful hearer, which is like looking into a mirror seeing the truth of who you really are but then looking away, forgetting.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.*
A proverb defines a fool as someone who can't accept wisdom nor instruction.* James writes a double-minded person will not accept wisdom from God. In the context of proving there are many reasons why a double-minded person doesn't receive wisdom and instruction. These were schemes of the devil used in my own life. A double mind can be a mind that is judgemental, always judging others but never looking at the plank in its own eye. This mind often comes from legalism. Paul writes when we forfeit grace many will be defiled by a root of bitterness. This mind deeply rooted in bitterness, stuck looking at the offense that has been done to them, even if justly wronged, doesn't receive wisdom from God so to move on. It is a mind that sees the truth but turns away by justifying itself, shifting the blame on others or circumstances present or past.
It is often through the wrong from others, that God is revealing areas of change needed in us. He is sovereign in this way allowing offense from others, but if we are doubleminded we will never look intently into that truth mirror to see our true self and receive wisdom from God. A double mind to me is a mind that sees the truth but instead focuses on the unbelief, the earthly circumstances instead of things of faith. This might happen when one experiences suffering in which they tend to focus on the negative, then they are overwhelmed, discouraged, anxious, worried, and often become hopeless. Being a doer, not a forgetful hearer requires a change of mind, and humility is a telling sign. Unless someone comes to their senses and realizes they need help you are just giving pearls to pigs. Giving a person who will not accept wisdom and instruction over to Satan is a way to save their soul. Thanks be to God, we can change, having the mind of Christ.
I have told you these things so that in me having peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of courage; I have overcome the world.*consider it joy, my brothers, when encountering various trials, knowing that the proving of your faith produces endurance. Now, possessing endurance, having its work of perfection, that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.*
We suffer to become complete. This gives us an outlook on suffering, it produces wholeness, "by his stripes, we are healed." James tells us in suffering the work of endurance yields maturity and wholeness. Peter clarifies that this maturity, wholeness is obtained in the trial, "after suffering a little He will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."* So maturity and wholeness can be defined as restoration, confirmation, strengthening, and establishing. And as Paul tells us, finally grow strong and work it out, which implies a maturity having come from growing strong in the Lord, in the might of his strength. Peter understood strength in suffering, having suffered, sifted by the devil. God disciplines us so that we grow up, and the true grace of God will produce strength in weakness, so producing maturity. There is a time to be a child, rooted and grounded in love and faith then there is time to grow up, to put away childish thinking and behavior. The trials we encounter can be various, the suffering various, but it is the proving in the trial which is the right of passage into adulthood. But there are things that keep us from maturity. James writes if we are doubleminded we will not receive wisdom from God to become mature. The double mind that waivers is an unapproved mind, not proved, it will not endure the proving in the trial. It looks away, not intently into the perfect law that would perfect and mature but is a forgetful hearer, which is like looking into a mirror seeing the truth of who you really are but then looking away, forgetting.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.*
A proverb defines a fool as someone who can't accept wisdom nor instruction.* James writes a double-minded person will not accept wisdom from God. In the context of proving there are many reasons why a double-minded person doesn't receive wisdom and instruction. These were schemes of the devil used in my own life. A double mind can be a mind that is judgemental, always judging others but never looking at the plank in its own eye. This mind often comes from legalism. Paul writes when we forfeit grace many will be defiled by a root of bitterness. This mind deeply rooted in bitterness, stuck looking at the offense that has been done to them, even if justly wronged, doesn't receive wisdom from God so to move on. It is a mind that sees the truth but turns away by justifying itself, shifting the blame on others or circumstances present or past.
It is often through the wrong from others, that God is revealing areas of change needed in us. He is sovereign in this way allowing offense from others, but if we are doubleminded we will never look intently into that truth mirror to see our true self and receive wisdom from God. A double mind to me is a mind that sees the truth but instead focuses on the unbelief, the earthly circumstances instead of things of faith. This might happen when one experiences suffering in which they tend to focus on the negative, then they are overwhelmed, discouraged, anxious, worried, and often become hopeless. Being a doer, not a forgetful hearer requires a change of mind, and humility is a telling sign. Unless someone comes to their senses and realizes they need help you are just giving pearls to pigs. Giving a person who will not accept wisdom and instruction over to Satan is a way to save their soul. Thanks be to God, we can change, having the mind of Christ.
Worthy of all praise, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one blessing us in all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ.*
We are blessed with adoption, redemption, the forgiveness of sin. Because we are blessed, in our souls we should cry out like the psalmist, "Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits... who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion... as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us..."* Understanding these blessings helps us greatly. We pray that we may comprehend them, and more so like the hope of our inheritance among the saints, and the power available to us according to the working out of his mighty strength.* We experience various trials and suffering for various reasons, and at the time they seem painful and unpleasant but God is working out all things for our good according to his purpose and in the end, He is faithful, worthy of all praise!
We suffer so to have fellowship with Christ. Christ is our great high priest who sympathizes with our weakness, having suffered himself he is able to understand. Because of Him, we have the boldness to approach a throne of grace to receive grace and mercy in our time of need. One way we see fellowship is in encouragement and comforting. Like the strength found in suffering by which we can strengthen others likewise if in the suffering we know of the comfort of Christ, we can comfort others. "If we are distressed, it is for your encouragement and salvation; if we are encouraged, it is for your encouragement that you experience in your patient endurance of the same sufferings that we also suffer."* There is a saying that until you walk a mile in their shoes you can't know what they are going through. If experiencing it ourselves then we can comfort and encourage others. "And our hope for you is firm because we know that as you share in our sufferings, so also you will share in our encouragement."*
Some suffer more than others. "For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life."* Paul writes he daily carried the death of Christ in his body, so to know more of His life, which life he shared with others. "I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings on your behalf, which are your glory."* Paul had continued revelation of Christ's resurrection power through suffering. Which he was able to share with others to bring about their glory. Paul had a deeper knowledge of Christ through suffering and wrote he counted all other things as dung in order to know Christ, "that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming like him in his death"* Notice the last part, like him in His death. There is a baptism or proving by fire that unites us with him in His death. In regards to suffering, it is as if Paul is saying bring it on, so I may experience Christ more. Surely this is the reason they could rejoice in suffering.
Some suffer more than others. "For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life."* Paul writes he daily carried the death of Christ in his body, so to know more of His life, which life he shared with others. "I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings on your behalf, which are your glory."* Paul had continued revelation of Christ's resurrection power through suffering. Which he was able to share with others to bring about their glory. Paul had a deeper knowledge of Christ through suffering and wrote he counted all other things as dung in order to know Christ, "that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, becoming like him in his death"* Notice the last part, like him in His death. There is a baptism or proving by fire that unites us with him in His death. In regards to suffering, it is as if Paul is saying bring it on, so I may experience Christ more. Surely this is the reason they could rejoice in suffering.
James writes the proving of our faith "works out" or brings into effect endurance and the work of endurance is maturity, wholeness.* Other translations of the word for proving are "approved character, testing, proved genuineness." Paul writes that the proving in the suffering works out hope and love that is poured out. Growing strong in the Lord is also being strengthened in faith so that now abides faith, hope, and love. Also, we see the concept that there is greater hope and love experienced as we mature, as our salvation is being worked out. Now, they were not being gloomy, oh woe is me in suffering, maybe at first until they learned the purpose of suffering was for His glory and theirs so they rejoiced. If you were falsely accused and thrown in jail would you rejoice? I couldn't. Could you rejoice after multiple times of being shipwrecked or stoned and left for dead? Could you rejoice if we were about to be crucified for Christ? If we were strong we could. Is it not difficult to explain earthly prosperity for some when others are called to suffer, to martyrdom. How can I say I am blessed in earthly riches when surely the blessings of the martyrs were not in this earthly life. Anyway, the suffering teaches us that our strength is in Him and not based on earthly circumstances.
Paul had messengers of Satan sent to torment him, he asked God to remove this thorn but God did not. Why? so that he was strengthened, God said His grace was sufficient as it was His power perfecting, maturing him in weakness. We see the concept in scriptures of a "giving over to Satan" or God allowing Satan to buffet, sift, or try his people. Paul understood this because God allowed messengers of Satan to torment him. Some people thought Paul was evil and abandoned him in ministry because of the trials he experienced. Five times flogged, three times beaten with a rod, once stoned. Three times shipwrecked, once having spent a night and a day at sea, and once afterward bitten by a poisonous snake. He was always in constant danger, "in labor and toil and often without sleep, in hunger and thirst and often without food, in cold and exposure..."* And Paul toiled hard with his own hands, a tentmaker supporting his own ministry, so not to place a stumbling block before his ministry.* From the trials Paul experienced the Church benefits.
God tests or proves his children in suffering. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused of attempted rape, thrown in prison... David was constantly attacked by Saul and the enemies of Israel. Was not Job given over to Satan? God allowed this, taking the hedge of His protection away, only saying to Satan do not take Job's life. Satan had said Job was only devoted to God because God had blessed him in earthly prosperity. So God allowed Satan to test or prove Job, to take away his riches, his family, and even his good health. In the trial is the proving. Some translate the proving as the testing of the genuineness of our faith. A test of what is really motivating our devotion, which should not be based on earthly rewards and prosperity, as Job said to his wife "should we accept only good from God, and not accept adversity?"* God cares much more about our souls, so he tries us by fire. Peter asks why should we think this trial by fire is something strange? We should not, it is throughout scriptures. "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts."* "For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried."* Peter understood this as God allowed Peter to be sifted by the devil. Doesn't this imply he was given over to Satan? But Jesus gives us the why, He prayed so Peter's faith would not fail, and that when he was strengthened he would return and strengthen the brethren. The trial was to empower Peter for ministry, this is how Jesus founded the Church on the little rock named Peter.
God is for us, not against us, "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope."* He is working out all things for our good, to those called according to his purpose, that which he purposed in Christ before the creation of the world. In this working out for our good there are various trials and suffering and tribulations for various reasons; that Jesus may be brought to light in our bodies, united with him in death so to experience His life, to know Him more through fellowship in His suffering, to be tested, tried, proved so we become mature sharing in His holy character, so we are comforted and strengthened in the Lord able to sympathize with others encouraging them to grow strong from their suffering. This momentary lightness of affliction pales in comparison to the glory being revealed in us and to that which awaits us. In suffering let us rejoice and praise the Lord, he is for us.