And put on the new self the one created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth.*
The teachings of righteousness are very important, Jesus said that we are to put first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.* How do we do this? Also Jesus said there is a blessing for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they feed and are satisfied.* John the baptist came to show the way of righteousness.* And who did John prepare the way for? but Jesus in whom is our righteousness. The Spirit convicts the world in regards to righteousness, in whom it is obtained, Jesus who went away to the Father.* Let us put first righteousness in our lives, let us put on the new man, the new created in righteousness.
I regard all as loss through the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my lord through whom that all also regard dung so that gaining Christ and found in him not having a righteousness mine that from laws rather that through Christ's faith, of righteousness from God, based upon faith.*
Is it not sad that there are people in the church who do not know of Jesus and his righteousness. Jesus will turn away people who have done, not just simple works but amazing things we would associate to believers, like casting out demons and prophesying.* Paul writes he counts all things as loss in order to know of Christ's righteousness. It is a righteousness that we receive through faith as a gift but also we see the concept of a Harvest of Righteousness. In other words this seed of God planted within us will grow to bear fruit of righteousness. Righteousness is the good works distinguishable in that it bears fruit of the characteristics of Christ, of holiness. There are no good works you can do that say you are righteous because righteousness is through faith according to grace, not of works. Our calling and purpose of being conformed to the image of Christ depends upon a foundation in righteousness and of bearing fruit of righteousness.
those who receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!"*
Stand therefore, girding your waist in truth, putting on the breastplate of righteousness.*
Maturity or perfection is a concept of completeness, wholeness, fullness.* Walking is a concept of maturity, having a foundation of learning to walk, now, founded, established, in God walk as Jesus walked. Thus walking in the Spirit is also a concept of maturity or being filled to fullness, and the Spirit is life in Christ and through righteousness.* The Spirit teaches us to abide in his words which consecrate us in truth.* Maturity of completeness, wholeness, fullness is achieved through His words. Maturit or perfection is achieved through truth in love; the Perfect Law of truth, and Perfect Love that is a foundation to build upon. In the trials is the proving, and when we endure we receive wisdom from Christ, and the mind is renewed coming into existence having the mind of Christ. The outcome of such a process of maturity is completeness of joy and the crown of life. The Father is glorified in that we bear fruit of righteousness, of his nature and reflect the image of His Son. This is the purpose God willed in Christ.* It is the purpose of the Church.* It is why we put first His righteousness so possessing fully, in completion and maturity, bearing fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.
All Scripture is divinely inspired and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correcting, for training in righteousness so that the man of God exists complete in accomplishment, equipped for every good work.*

I regard all as loss through the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my lord through whom that all also regard dung so that gaining Christ and found in him not having a righteousness mine that from laws rather that through Christ's faith, of righteousness from God, based upon faith.*
Is it not sad that there are people in the church who do not know of Jesus and his righteousness. Jesus will turn away people who have done, not just simple works but amazing things we would associate to believers, like casting out demons and prophesying.* Paul writes he counts all things as loss in order to know of Christ's righteousness. It is a righteousness that we receive through faith as a gift but also we see the concept of a Harvest of Righteousness. In other words this seed of God planted within us will grow to bear fruit of righteousness. Righteousness is the good works distinguishable in that it bears fruit of the characteristics of Christ, of holiness. There are no good works you can do that say you are righteous because righteousness is through faith according to grace, not of works. Our calling and purpose of being conformed to the image of Christ depends upon a foundation in righteousness and of bearing fruit of righteousness.
those who receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!"*
Those who have the gift of righteousness will reign in life. Before moving on to maturity and the concept of bearing fruit of righteousness, let us cover a few of the foundations of the teaching of righteousness.* In the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, through faith.* It is revealed a part from the Mosaic law.* The righteousness of God is available through faith in Jesus Christ, in whom he set forth as an atoning sacrifice in his blood to demonstrate his righteousness, passing over sin, being just and justifying the one from faith in Jesus.* It is given by grace through faith to all people who believe in Jesus.* The one righteous act or instance of perfect righteousness of Jesus brought justification and life for all men who believe.* His one righteous act is how Jesus redeemed us. Through faith this righteous act brings about God's justification, which declares us righteous.* We stand approved by God, freely of his grace through redemption in Christ.* By what law, by what work can I boast of righteousness? no works but by the law of faith. David spoke of a righteousness apart from works.*
for once you were darkness, now, at the present light in the Lord, walk like as children of the light, for the fruit of light in all goodness, righteousness and truth...*
The concept of having fellowship with Jesus, as John writes, requires one to walk in the Light.* Walking is a concept of maturity, in which the works of faith that James speaks of has the premises that maturity produces the works or deeds of faith. It is the mature plant that bears fruit and bearing fruit comes in abiding in the Vine. As we learn to remain, to walk without stumbling in the light bearing fruit of righteousness and truth, Jesus is our advocate with the Father, so when we do sin we confess it and get back into the light. If God's seed has been planted in me, I belong in the Light and will grow up to bear fruit of being children of the Light, in all goodness, righteousness and truth. "For all the ones living on milk inexperienced of words of righteousness, for existing still a child."* Jesus taught men to be disciples before saying to them to go make disciples. The gifts are given to the saints for the work of ministry, a saint implies maturity.* How can someone teach of maturity when they are still a child? It is like the blind leading the blind? If you are mature you should know how you got there? of the things that are fundamental?
Stand therefore, girding your waist in truth, putting on the breastplate of righteousness.*
Before I can stand, I need to put on the breastplate of righteousness. I must have a strong foundation, in the concepts of Ephesians 1-5 and Romans 3-8,12. "According to the former way of life, put off the old self, the one corrupt, deceived according to its desires, and be renewed of spirit, of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."* Do we see why we are to seek First His righteousness? why it is so important? a kink in my armour is minor but missing a major piece of armor how can I stand in this battle, which is not of flesh and blood but against spiritual authorities and rulers. If I do not have on the breastplate of righteousness I will not stand. Think of what the breastplate covers, the heart, and like the helmet of salvation that is protecting my head, both are vital. To stand in defense against the devil I need to have foundations in salvation, righteousness, faith, truth, also prepared standing steady in peace.
possessing fully the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the extent glory and praise of God.*
Maturity or perfection is a concept of completeness, wholeness, fullness.* Walking is a concept of maturity, having a foundation of learning to walk, now, founded, established, in God walk as Jesus walked. Thus walking in the Spirit is also a concept of maturity or being filled to fullness, and the Spirit is life in Christ and through righteousness.* The Spirit teaches us to abide in his words which consecrate us in truth.* Maturity of completeness, wholeness, fullness is achieved through His words. Maturit or perfection is achieved through truth in love; the Perfect Law of truth, and Perfect Love that is a foundation to build upon. In the trials is the proving, and when we endure we receive wisdom from Christ, and the mind is renewed coming into existence having the mind of Christ. The outcome of such a process of maturity is completeness of joy and the crown of life. The Father is glorified in that we bear fruit of righteousness, of his nature and reflect the image of His Son. This is the purpose God willed in Christ.* It is the purpose of the Church.* It is why we put first His righteousness so possessing fully, in completion and maturity, bearing fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ.
the one supplying seed to the sower and bread for food, supplies, also increases your seed and grows the harvest of your righteousness.*
Is seeking the kingdom of God about food and drink? no, it is about righteousness and peace and joy in the Spirit.* Is the kingdom of God found in the Old? It is in knowledge of the Son, "of him in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption,"* Is the kingdom of God found in a veiled glory of a ministry of condemnation? it is in a ministry of righteousness.* It is the word of God, his words, that is sown and abiding in Him that produces a harvest. Is Paul expecting money from this Church, is this the harvest? No, Paul promised Jesus to present the church like a pure bride to Christ?* Paul desired to see the fruit of his teachings in Christ, a harvest of righteousness. How can money buy righteousness and produce a harvest of righteousness? the treasure of my heart is indicative of bearing fruit of his righteousness, becoming like him, the righteous one. The kingdom of God is a ministry of the Spirit and righteousness, that of being conformed to the image of His son, of putting "on the new self the one created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth." Where is the treasure of my heart? if it is on him then it can not be displayed in any other way than to become like Jesus? Is seeking first his righteousness about anything else? but in order to know Christ, a righteousness in him. What bears fruit? abiding in the Vine. Jesus said, labor not, do not make your life first about things that perish but labor put first that which endures unto life, real bread that increases faith and grows up children so they produce a harvest of righteousness.
loving righteousness and hating lawlessness, through that the one God, your God, anointed you with the oil of gladness...*
The oil of gladness is privileged upon those who love righteousness. This was the joy that was set before Jesus, who endured a cross, disregarding its shame. There are blessings not of this world for those who seek, pursue, love, hunger and thirst for His righteousness. And there are blessings to come. "Remaining mine reserved, the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, gives to me on that day, but not only me but also all the ones loving his return."* Oh, to be found in Him, when he returns, not having a righteousness of my own. "for we spiritual from faith eagerly await the righteous hope."*
Now, you man of God flee these and pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of eternal life for which you were called and confessed the good confession before many witnesses.*
Take hold of it, fight the good fight. What did I commit to when I committed to follow Jesus? Surely I would not commit to follow someone without knowing why? I committed to the teachings of baptism that teach me to put off the old man and put on the "new self the one created according to God in righteousness and holiness of truth." If so then I committed to put First His righteousness. Such is related to my true calling of being conformed to his image, to become holy as He exists holy. So, "now, flee childish desires, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with the ones calling upon the Lord from a clean heart."* If I am called to fight the good fight of faith then I am called to pursue righteousness, to put off the old and put on the new, bearing fruit of righteousness. So, how can I pursue and bear fruit of righteousness?
My righteousness is in Christ, it is a gift given through faith, there is no money I can give nor work I can do to accomplish this. It took His death to establish a New covenant in his blood, in which we hearing the gospel of our salvation, the word of truth and believing we received righteousness as a gift. These scriptures, teaching of Christ, as he taught the disciples, also train us in righteousness, if they are pure. The child living on milk is inexperienced with the words of righteousness.* The true children are discipline by God so to produce holiness. "all discipline at the time we think not pleasant rather painful, now, later it yields peaceful fruit of righteousness to those trained by it"* We see there is more to just receiving the gift of righteousness but a reigning in life through righteousness, a harvest of righteousness. With such a high calling to be like Jesus, we put first His righteousness. The outcome is life, the Spirit is life through it. There is discipline that trains a child in righteousness, the outcome is maturity. This mature, man of God is that purposed, one trained, no longer a child tossed to and fro, but one who has grown up into maturity, in the teachings of Christ he exists complete in accomplishment, equipped for every good work.*