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Adopted as His Own

he predestined us for adoption to the extent of his own, through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will.*

According to the good pleasure of God's will, he chose and adopted us. It is profound, to comprehend the glorious inheritance we have among the saints. God has made known to us His will, he has given us his plan, his vision and purpose in Christ, to be manifested through the Church. God has already made known his will and purpose, so unless we don't believe Paul we do not need leadership like the world to cast vision and give purpose. Since God has already given us vision and purpose what he desires is a people to do his will, to put forth his plan, that hidden in him in the beginning, to be manifested in the Church. Even before the creation of the world, we were chosen to exist holy and blameless before him in love, so he predestined us for adoption as his own.*

in Christ we have obtained an inheritance, predestined according to purpose, of accomplishing all according to the counsel of his will, so that we, the ones hoping in Christ, exist the praise of his glory.*

According to purpose we were adopted. We are the praise of His glory having heard the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation and believing we were marked with the promised Holy Spirit, whom exists a guarantee of our inheritance to the extent of God's redemption of his possession, to the praise of his glory.* We exist the praise of his glory, through adoption which was purposed and prophesied of, the Spirit being a guarantee until God takes possession of His own. His own, the people predestined according to His purpose, to exist like him in love. The mystery is great, it is how God fulfills the promise of inheritance through the Spirit, us being born of Spirit not flesh, and how the spiritual man can fulfill his laws which are spiritual. We are blessed in Christ, "Blessed of God, also Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one blessing us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies."* We are blessed, highly favored in the Beloved, through whom we were chosen to be holy and blameless before him in love. We are blessed to be adopted, from the good pleasure of His will, and redeemed and forgiven, according to the riches of his grace which he lavished on us in all wisdom and insight, and to be given an inheritance predestined according to the purpose of Him.* He has made know to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure purposed in Christ. I hope you see his plan and purpose.

for you did not receive a spirit of slavery leading back to fear, rather receiving a spirit of adoption in him crying out Abba Father!*

It is important to understand this adoption comes through the new covenant, that in his blood, which is that purposed of God in Christ, hidden in the beginning, and is of the promised Spirit. The new is a ministry of the Spirit, one of adoption. The Spirit testifies that we exist children of God, it is the greatest testimony, there are three that give testimony of God, not from man. Adoption was purposed in Christ, a reason Jesus came, "as many receiving him, them giving the means to become children of God, the ones believing in His name, who are born not from human blood nor from fleshly will nor from a husband's will rather from God."* This is as Jesus said one can enter the kingdom not of fleshly birth, nor of the will of man, but of the will of God, being born a new, from above, as what is flesh is flesh, useless, what is Spirit is Spirit.* Flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God.* This Spirit of adoption cries out into our hearts that we belong and pours out into our hearts the love of God. It is not a spirit of fear that leads back to slavery. The Law gave sin its power, and the sting of death is sin but when we put on the imperishable, death is swallowed up in victory.* Since the children were flesh and blood he shared with them and reached out to the seed of Abraham, so that by his death he broke the power of death, and freed those who were held under slavery.*

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.*

Jesus was born under the Law to redeem those under the Law but also to reach out to the world. Paul writes going back to the Old the Galatians submitted again to a yoke of slavery. The Old was a ministry of death and condemnation.* The Old was of the flesh, not of the Spirit, and to go there severs from Christ, falls from grace. In regards to adoption of Israel, that of a circumcision of the flesh, the word of God did not fail, as Paul writes not all children of Abraham exist descendants, but "'in Issac your descendants called,' these existing not the children of the flesh who are children of God rather the children of the promise are considered as descendants."* All were called, few were chosen, only a remnant. In regards to this adoption Paul gives us an allegory to help us understand, that there are two covenants one of flesh and one of promise. The flesh represents the Old covenant and the Spirit represents the new covenant, the one of promise. One covenant is of a slave woman and one is of a free woman, one children of slavery corresponding to present Jerusalem and the other children of the free woman corresponding to the Jerusalem above.* One born of the flesh, earthly, one born of the Spirit, from above.

when the fullness of time had come God sent forth his son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so to redeem the ones under the Law, so that receiving adoption as sons.*

He redeemed those under the Law so they could receive adoption as sons through the Spirit. The promise was given to Abraham before circumcision of the flesh and the Mosaic Law so it does not rest upon these but through faith according to grace so that the blessing comes to all nations and all people. It is why the face of Moses was veiled and why only Jesus can remove the veil, even today. The purpose of God was planned and the promise was given to Abraham, whom the gospel was preached to beforehand and who believed. The promise is made known in the New testament, a new covenant in his blood, which can be said to be the promised covenant, so that all things are brought into the fullness of Christ the Head, of the church, his body, on earth and in heaven, to the praise and glory of God and the good pleasure of his will. It is a tremendous blessing to have been favored in the beloved, to have been adopted. It is not from works lest we boast. The Spirit is one of adoption and to us who have the firstfruit of the Spirit, we know our adoption is not yet complete, the Spirit moans inwardly in us as we eagerly await our full adoption, redemption of our body.* The Spirit testifies we are children and if children then heirs according to promise, fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him so also to be glorified with him, chosen to exist holy and blameless before him in love, he predestined us for adoption as his own.*

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