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God's Will

even as choosing us in Him before creation of the world to exist holy and in his presence in love.*

We can not argue that obdedience is doing God's will. What is God's will? It is God's will that we exist in His presence in love, and that we become like Him, holy. We love Him because he first loved us and as God is demonstrating His love toward man through His Son, God has given us His Spirit that pours out his love into our hearts, testifying we are his own. As children God desires love, to have a people of His own, that are like Him. There is Light and there is darkness. There is a reasonable service that requires the sacrifice acceptable to God in regards to becoming children of light.* We can make doing God's will about many things, so it is helpful to understand what God purposed in the beginning.

to exist holy and in his presence in love.*

God chose us, to exist holy and in his presence in love. If God exists holy, so to exist in His presence one must be holy? God is love, the greatest commandment is to love Him with all my being. We see why God created mankind, to be loved and to experience his love. But there was the issue of sin that is in contrast to God's holiness, darkness in contrast to light. God is love and he is holy, how can we exist in His presence? Thanks to His Son we can! To be in His presence we must exist holy as He exists, in this we see His plan purposed in Christ, when we were dead in our trespasses and sin God was rich in mercy, through His great love, sending His Son. Who was Light in the darkness, who condemned sin in the flesh also giving to those who came into the Light, the right to become children of God.

making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good will, which he purposed in Christ.*

Knowing what God has purposed and who we are gives us understanding in things like serving, in which we serve from this good will, like as favored. The great, the mature become servants of His will, as favored in the Beloved, for such a purpose to serve his children, the immature so they grow up in knowledge of Him. To serve is so others grow in knowledge of Jesus, to know Him, not an authority that lords over them for personal gain. It is through faith we become a new creation and receive the gift of grace and righteousness. The mystery of that purposed in Christ is in such a way that His holiness is not questioned, nor his love, he is still holy and loving. Christ comes to us in this fullness of the Father, of grace and truth.

you are also in him, hearing the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, in him also believing, marked of the promised Holy Spirit, that which exists a pledge of our inheritance to the extent redemption of His possession, unto the praise of His glory.*

There is a redemption of the body, a resurrection of the body, a salvation waiting to come, in which God takes possession of His own, those set a part through the circumcision of the heart by the Spirit, the true Jew inwardly not of the written code.* The Law did not perfect nor mature men into His image because man was carnal, of this sinful nature, in the realm of darkness, who could not obey the laws of God which were spiritual. The law of faith which states we are justified freely apart from works of the Law and that of like tithing and serving, doesn't nullify but fulfills the laws. How? in Christ men become a new creation, spiritual which can fulfill the laws of God. This is part of the mystery how Jesus condemns sin in the flesh and gives those who believe in Him the right to become children of God, spiritual. Fulfilling His plan, a people of his nature, chosen, called to be conformed to the image of Christ.

all things work together for good, the ones loving God, the ones called according to His purpose, because those he foreknew also predestined, conforming to the image of His Son, that he might be first-born of many brethren.*

We are called according to His will and purpose in Christ, to be conformed to the image of His Son. Jesus condemned sin in the flesh, so God's holiness and judgement of sin is accordingly just and he justifies those who receive him through faith and by faith fulfilling the promise of inheritance through the Spirit, which is a pledge of our inheritance until God takes possession of His own.* Through faith of Christ's we receive many blessings from the riches of His grace, and through growth in knowledge of Him we are blessed, knowing Him and having fellowship with the Father through Him. Through Him we are being conformed to the image of God, becoming like Him. A new creation, implies it did not exist before and as Paul writes Christ is the first-fruit of that creation. This is how God deals with the issue of darkness. His will is in that purposed in Christ, and that being manifested through the Church. It is a purpose we see in this verse, God's plan for mankind, to have a people of His own, who are like Him, of Light not darkness and who love him and exist holy like Him.

he predestined us for adoption to the extent of His own through Christ Jesus according to the good pleasure of His will, to the extent of His glorious grace whom favoring us in the Beloved.*

It was to the good pleasure of His will God purposed us for  adoption, redemption, and the forgiveness of sin through the Son. Being deeply rooted in faith and love in Christ is knowing these things. These spiritual blessings in Christ are from the riches of His grace. To say we will not teach grace because it might be used as a license to sin is invalid logic, as God's grace exists true. Jesus came in the fullness of the Father, of grace and truth.* "The Son exists the radiance of glory and character of His nature..."* Since Jesus reflects God's nature, he reflects his image and character, and to be conformed into the image of Jesus is to be conformed into the image of God. This glorifies the Father that we bear fruit through the Son so to reflect his nature. And this our struggle against sin, in which the discipline of God is for legitimate children, so that we are proven, tested through suffering as Christ was in this body, so to become mature, in knowledge of the Son, that we share in His character.*  Understanding it was by His glorious grace that I exist favored in the Beloved leads us into the true power that transforms us into His glory, that matures us into this greater purpose. And it gives understanding into true service which is not a mindset of slavery nor of servants but of sons, people chosen, favored.* He chose us for a purpose, it is God's plan, which points us to true purpose.

of what great love has the Father given to us that we are called children of God, and existing!... and not yet brought to light what we exist knowing that when brought to light existing like Him, since seeing him just as existing. And everyone having this hope in him purifies himself, just as He is pure.*

As a child we do not know fully who we are. Our true calling is about this purpose, to grow up in knowledge of Him, to fully know as we are known in Him. We are called to be holy, called to glory.* Called to be like Jesus, conformed to His image.* Children see dimly into who they are so we see growth, that produces holiness, purity which is part of this purpose. This plan of knowing Him and His will and accepting it as good and pleasing comes through this growth process in the knowledge of His Son. This purpose surpasses anything else that could be built up against the knowledge of Jesus. This purpose is that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.* This is what God planned in the beginning, the mystery the angels desired to look into. Paul prays that we would be enlightened into such truth, to comprehend with all the mature who see such truth, so that we may receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowing Him.* It is why Paul counts all things as loss in order to know Him. And it is why the Church is purposed to this task, that children grow up in knowledge of Him.

to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body in knowledge of the Son, into mature adulthood, unto the measure of the stature of the image of Christ.*

There is no greater purpose and calling, than to know His love and to become like the image of Him, through His Son. The devil is a spiritual being, an angel not like a man. Did he conceive sin in his heart, saying he was like a god.* I believe this darkness was conceived by him, the darkness that the Light shined in. God had to have given dominion to him which the devil turned into darkness. God gave dominion to man over the earth, in which Adam gave away, swayed by the craftiness of the devil, who seeks to corrupt God's creation of man. Today his image exists in the fleshly nature, desires of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of this life. In the religious system of his time Jesus said, "you belong to your father the devil, and willing to do the desires of your father who existed a murderer from the beginning also not standing in truth, because there exists no truth in him. When speaking, that declaring from his own nature, because existing a liar and father together."* Man became like the devil in his nature. To ignore such because people might say the devil made them do it, is not valid logic. It is being a new creation, and abiding in the words of His Son that we know truth and are set us free.  God had a plan hidden in Him in the beginning. A plan, a mystery, hidden to be purposed in Christ, a new creation that reflects the image of God. False religion would prevent this purpose through religious activity and exchanging this image of God for that made like man, conforming men to a false image. The true plan of God and His will is being revealed in that this image of God in mankind is manifested through Christ, through the Church, that we grow up in knowledge of the Son, into mature adulthood, unto the measure of the stature of the image of Christ.

for existing His workmanship created in Christ Jesus to the extent of good works which God prepared in advance so that we walk in them.*

If I am purposed to be conformed to the image of His Son to exist in love and holy in his presence then the good works is a fruit of His workmanshipthat prepared in advance. The very concept of walking as Jesus walked, speaks of this work, and it is fruit of maturity, growing up truth in love. And it is the work of the Spirit of truth and life through righteousness. In the beginning Adam disobeyed God. We see in the scriptures the concept of Jesus being Light in darkness. Is Lucifer darkness? What happened? Does Ezekiel, in the King of Tyre, give us a picture of sin being conceived in the heart of Satan, because he thought himself like a god?* Jesus said he is the father of lies and murder, which implies the devil is the image, representation of evil, of darkness which doesn't in my reasoning exist apart from him. Surely his nature is the exaltation of the pride of life displayed in the sinful nature like his. Even in a religous system we see exaltation and pride of his nature, as Jesus pointed this out in the people who claimed to follow Moses, but were of the nature of the devil. They knew of God, but created a false image of God, worshiping it, doing things for the glory of men, sastisfying desires of the flesh through religous activities, not giving glory to God. The sinful nature of carnal man displays the character of the devil.

far above every ruler and authority, and power and dominion, and every name, named, not only in this age also in that coming.*

Now, to the main point, the purpose God had planned; the Light came into this dominion of darkness, amoung corrupted man. Jesus took that power away from the devil, having to become like as a man in this nature, but without sin, born of blood, a spotless lamb to redeem those who were held in slavery, in the fear of death.* God did not desire offerings and sacrifices in Jesus, but a body prepared to do His will.* This is amazing in itself, he endured the cross for the joy set before him, to lead many sons to glory. This points us to our reasonable service; to offer our carnal bodies in which sin dwells as a living sacrifice unto holiness. It is very important to separate the Old from the New which took His death to establish. God gives us a Spirit of adoption, not a spirit of slavery to fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Through Christ we receive spiritual blessings from the riches of God's grace and glory; adoption, redemption, the forgiveness of sin.* The true grace of God reigns through righteousness, in other words we will rule over sin under grace, through His power bearing fruit of His character as partakers of His divine nature, our new nature.

His divine power freely gave to us all for life and godliness through knowledge of the one calling us of his own glory and goodness through freely giving us his precious and promised favor so that through this coming into existence, escaping the corruption in the world in sinful desires, coming into existence partakers of His divine nature.*

Truly in Christ God has given us everything we need, it is finished, but we must grow up into it, through knowledge of the Son. This is that purposed in the Church, to present all mature in Christ.* This is the true purpose of the great becoming servants of Christ, to serve so children become mature in knowledge of Jesus. No, greater blessing can we receive, and no greater purpose can we be called to than to become like a son. A slave, a servant does not remain in the house forever, thus maturity through the proving of the rite of passage into adulthood distinguishes the true wheat, the one born of God, from the tare of the devil's. And since growth is achieved through knowledge of the Son, we know of the Father, his ways and character, who he is, we know God. Take away all the religious activity that does not achieve this goal and give me Christ Jesus. Let me find a people of His own, who put first His purpose, and who love him and one another, who put first His kingdom and righteousness, and who are being conformed to his image. I am hopeful, there is always a remnant, God is creating a people of His own, who love him and who reflect His image, his divine nature. God's plan is to restore that corrupt image, through knowledge of His Son, and the mystery is in how he is doing this through a new creation, spiritual, Jesus being the first-fruit of that creation, we being fruits.  

and put on the new self, that created according to God's will in righteousness and holiness of truth.*

This is the will of God, that we put on the new self, exist holy and in His presence in love. It is according to God's will as he purposed a new creation to exist in love and in righteousness and in holiness of truth. To walk as Jesus walked. Do I know this fully? When I believe in Christ do I see who I am in Christ, as I am known? A child sees dimly, but when he grows up, he sees clearly, he puts off the former, becoming known even as he is known. This growth is in knowledge of the Son, that great purpose of His plan being manifested in the Church, his kindness is being demonstrated, his wisdom manifested to the rulers and powers, in the heavens and on earth, and that His image is being restored through knowledge of His Son, in that we are being conformed to His image. In other words there is no greater purpose that God has created man for but to love and be loved and to have a people like Him, holy. The discipline of God is that His children share in this purpose, His character.* We are called to fellowship with Him, which requires us to walk in the Light, as he exists Light.* It is the bond of His love that leads us into this purpose.

For in Him living and moving and existing like as, also accordingly your own poets say, ‘for we exist and exist His children.*

Children of God we exist, so may the world proclaim this about us, that we exist like Christ who reflects the Father's image, so much so they call us Christians. And may we do not another deed in His name until we know of that our purpose in Christ. It is a word of encouragement to be called children and so we exist! If existing children called to heaven where no unholy thing exists, then chosen and called to be conformed into the image of His Son. Consecration of the Old points to this and is of this concept; a people set apart. But unlike the Old circumcision of the flesh and its feeble principles the new has the introduction of a better hope in Christ, of a unveiled glory in the face of Christ, of the Spirit born a new creation, circumcised of the Spirit, and in which the word of God is implanted, where there is a washing, a consecration in the words of the Son. We see what was set apart fleshly did not perfect nor mature man into the image of God, neither do they today, living to laws, principles, serving, tithing... What does accomplish this purpose is that which God had planned, the manifestation of His will purposed in His Son. For those He chooses he calls to be conformed into the image of His Son, to exist holy, reflecting His character, in whom he accomplishes such a purpose through knowledge of His Son. To understand this purpose is to count all else as loss in order to know Him. May we be in God's will, understanding God's plan purposed in Christ; "choosing us in Him before creation of the world to exist holy and in his presence in love."*

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