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The Fruit of God's Grace

...that heard in the word of truth, the gospel which has come to you, just as also in the entire world, existing bearing fruit and growing just as also among you from the day you heard and understood the grace of God in truth.*

The true grace of God exists bearing fruit and growing. What kind of fruit does it bear? "Because everyone born from God conquers the world, and this is victory that overcomes, our faith."* Jesus came to give us the right to become children, not of this life and world. We become children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man, but born of God.* Flesh is flesh but Spirit is Spirit, and those born from above, of Spirit enter the kingdom of heaven. In Christ we are born not of fleshly seed and life but of an imperishable seed, that which endures unto eternal life.* We were chosen in Christ, given birth through his word, to be first fruits of a new creation, bearing fruit of God.* God is glorified in that we bear fruit and prove to be disciples of Christ.* This is the true grace of God, in that it bears fruit worthy of being His own.

so that just as sin reigned in that death, in this way also grace reigns through righteousness leading to eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.*

Just as sin reigned producing fruit of death, grace reigns producing fruit of life and righteousness. Fullness of life and joy is completed when we bear fruit of righteousness. James calls this the crown of life, which is a fruit of maturity. God is glorified in this that we bear fruit according to His character. God created man in his image and saw that it was good.* But we do not get out of the book of Genesis before we see he changed his mind about this being a good thing. "Yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart."* We see God relent throughout the Old when men repented, changed their minds.* And God finds grace in the sight of men, like Noah, and God through a remnant longsuffering, continues with mankind.* And the root meaning of faith is to be persuaded, so God is longsuffering so we change our minds. When a man intercedes or meditates or advocates on behalf of men, God changes his mind, like when Moses interceded when God was about to destroy the people for worshiping a golden calf.* There is fruit born in God's grace in which his power is at work. In this verse what is the fruit? life and righteousness.

My grace is a service to you, for the power perfects in weakness.*

Perfection is about maturity. Perfection is in truth and love is the bond that leads to perfection. After delivering Israel from slavery, showing them his mighty powers, the people quickly turned astray. Is it not why today there is a growth process through knowing Christ, as if we too having been delivered we should have the same mind to turn back so easily? To turn back is not the faith of Abraham, but when we are weak in unbelief we press on, strengthened in faith. In this is our advocate Jesus, when we acknowledge our sin, allowing light to expose the darkness. In this is the service of grace, it is his power at work. Even when men did not deserve grace, through raising up his Son, God is demonstrating his loving kindness to this age.* And when we are raised up, and walk in newness of life, we demonstrate the proof of his love being fulfilled in us.* Of course the service, sufficiency of grace is that we grow up, perfected to maturity, to bear fruit through His power.

Now, the God of all grace, the one calling you into his eternal glory in Christ, after suffering shortly himself will complete, cause to stand, strengthen, deeply root you in his very power, to the extent of this time. amen.*

What are we called to? We are called to suffer as Christ, for the purpose of being proven is the rite of passage to adulthood for the chosen. The child is deeply rooted and founded, then he grows up to endure the weeds, the world and the evil one. The work of endurance is perfection, maturity which bears fruit.* We are called to maturity. We are called to purity and holiness.* We are called to salvation through the gospel to share in his glory.* We are called into eternal glory.* We see this unveiled glory which perfects us into holiness, shining in the face of Jesus Christ, transforming us from glory to glory.* We are called out of darkness into his glorious light.* As the one who has called us is holy, therefore if called, we are to become like him.* This is the discipline of the God that we share in his character.* This is the true fruit of the kingdom of God, we reflect His image, that in Christ, in which grace is a service to those called.

this is the true grace of God, stand fast in it.*
We are predestined to become like Jesus, to be formed to His image, and to those he predestined, according to grace, he called to justification, and if called to justification in his blood then also then to glorification.* Glorification is becoming like Him, manifested when I look like Jesus. If these things are true then what is the purpose of the gifts given according to grace, to the church, for the work of ministry? but so children grow up truth in love to bear fruit, into the full measure of his character and image, through the knowledge of the Son.* Such a work of ministry will produce fruit of his nature, children of light, of righteousness and life. The work of the devil in doctrines and traditions of men is against this work, keeping the child tossed to and fro, so they do not grow up.* But to those called, those born of God, his seed will grow up to bear fruit, yielding fruit of righteousness and love for one another.*

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