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Love Fulfilled

Now, whoever keeps His word, truly in that person the love of God is fulfilled, in knowing, existing in Him.*

The word fulfilled is τελειόω (teleioō) which is also translated as to perfect, complete, finish; (pass.) to reach a goal, be fulfilled, completed, made perfect; to consummate, place in a condition of finality; a person of character. The goal of the love of God, in which we are rooted as children, is that we grow up to bear fruit, achieve perfection, completeness, maturity. We know that the love of God is fulfilled when we keep His words.

exists no fear in love, but love fulfilled drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. Now, the one fearing is not fulfilled in love.*

There is a place for godly fear but fear doesn't mature, perfect, complete, bring to fulfillment. In the new covenant in His blood we are being perfected in love, not through fear of punishment which had power under the Law. The Law did not perfect nor bring about maturity thus it did not perfect obedience.* If perfection had come under the Law and through the temple service why would Christ have needed to come?* Paul writes there are human commands and teachings that have an appearance of wisdom but will not bring about this goal.* Serving and sacrificing and tithing in the temple did not perfect men, but the word of the oath which came later than the Law, the Son, would perfect.* What is Christ perfecting? The idea is that of consecration, a holy people of God's own, therefore if we exist born of God we have an inheritance and those who have have this hope in Him purify themselves just as He is pure.* So we make clear distinction between covenants and what commands and words we must follow, those of Jesus, the Word of God. Those under the Law did not reach perfection, as a better hope was introduced so that we are perfected, reach the end goal together with them. Together we gather not like the veiled glory of Moses were men could not boldly approach God but we gather to the assembly of the firstborn, the spirits of the righteous, perfected, fulfilled.*

Not that already received, either already perfected, but I press on to lay hold of, to the extent like as Christ laid hold of me.*

The idea of perfection is bringing forth fruit which is the concept John writes of, that those born of God will yield fruit. Like as Jesus said an apple tree when it matures bears fruit, apples, and thorns bear thorns. "you did not choose me, but I chose and appointed you so that you go and bear fruit and your fruit should remain, so that the Father gives you whatever you ask."* Jesus said he chose us for this reason and the Father is gloried in that we bear fruit, therefore the joy of my Father is fulfilled in me when I bear fruit. In this verse we see a correlation between answered prayer and bearing fruit or growth.

the ones having my commands and keeping them exists the one who loves me. Now, the one loving me, loved by my Father accordingly I will love Him and reveal myself to him.*

Think about it, you love your child but if he is disobedient do you give him all he asks? But when he becomes like you in character, you will give him anything he asks, because he shares your character and he asks for the right reason. If I am chosen as a child I am also chosen to be perfect, the seed of God abiding in me will grow up to bear fruit. Now, we can boldly approach God as children, partakers of His divine nature, and because the blood of Jesus covered our sin, justified  by faith, given the gift of grace and righteousness. We are temples of the Holy Spirit. But why is Christ a mediator between us and the Father? We still live in a corrupt body in which sin dwells. When we rule over sin, under grace through God's power, we bear fruit of righteousness, thus have greater fellowship with the Father. This makes sense right? Like an earthly father having greater joy in the obedient son, the Father is gloried and joyful that we bear fruit. 

Just as the Father loved me, I also love you, abide in my love if you keep that my commands, abide in my love just as I kept my Father’s commands and abide in His love.*

God loves all His children, but there is great joy in the son who has matured to be like Him in character. Jesus is saying to the disciples, there is a greater love, fellowship, and joy in keeping his words. In fact the dictionary defines fulfilled as being satisfied or happy because of fully developing one's abilities or character.* This development of maturity and character is related to our purpose and destiny as children of God, in that we are called to run a race where the goal or fulfillment is becoming like Christ.* I believe this joy is more than the joy in heaven when we repented, as fulfillment is consummation, bringing to completion and maturity that which began in us. It is bearing fruit, maturing into adulthood were character is manifested. The Father is glorified in this, that we are His sons.

My Father is glorified in that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. Just as the Father loved me, I also loved you, abiding in my love, if you keep that my commands, abiding in my love just as I kept my Father’s commands and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that joy exists in you and your joy is full.*

God loves his children, but whoever keeps His word, love is fulfilled. But who has power to keep His words? The son which implies maturity, in these the love of God is fulfilled, perfected, or these bear fruit of obedience. A child is like a servant under a tutor but being a son is different, like being a friend. It is not all about obedience, it is about love and fellowship. In the parable of the prodigal son, the older son was obedient but did not truly reflect the character of the father, in not loving His brother. In abiding in the Vine, we can bear fruit, a part from Him we can do nothing in regards to fruit worthy of the kingdom of God. Abiding in his love and truth we will grow up to bear fruit of joy and life. This is the same message John gives us, a joy is in fellowship with the Son, the word of life, and if we jave fellowship with the Son, also with the Father. The one who keeps His words, the love of God is fulfilled. We grow up into Him, truth in love. Truth brings about perfection, maturity and it is the bond of love that leads to perfection.

Now, above all these, love, which exists the bond of perfection.*

Perfection is in truth and in love.* Perfection comes in Jesus.* Jesus encompasses truth and love.* Faith is authored and perfected in His words.* For the child rooted in faith and love, there exists a bond of love, thus the love of God will be fulfilled in that he is perfected, grows up into maturity. This is why Paul writes we are perfected in love and the bond of love leads to perfection and that he strives for perfection though he knows it will not be fully be accomplished until we see Jesus. In this pursuit is knowing Him. The word fulfilled τελειόω (teleioō) is related to perfection and maturity which is about holiness and godliness. Perfection is an outcome of one becoming mature, as James writes the proving of our faith is in the trial, in which we need endurance and the work of endurance is maturity.* I am perfected, mature, when I become like Jesus thus the love of God is fulfilled in me.

for we know in part and prophecy in part, now when that mature comes, the partial is set aside.*

Looking into the truth we grow up into Him, like looking in a mirror, when we get closer to Him, knowing Him, not being hearers only, but bearing fruit in maturity, we are no longer children but the partial is set aside to the extent we are becoming like Him.* Maturity is (τέλειος (teleios)) meaning brought to completion; fully accomplished, fully developed. The concept of growth we see in the scriptures, where maturity is the fruit of one having been established, deeply rooted in faith and love, who grow up in truth and love into the image of Christ. Being transformed into the image of Christ, is that which is inward eventually yielding fruit, the fruit being that we manifest His character outwardly. The discipline of God Paul writes is for this purpose, that we share in His character.* There is a time to be a child and a time to grow up to be a son, and as a son to be without discipline is to be illegitimate. The church Paul writes grows up truth in love, into His image, in knowledge of the Son being transformed to His image. This is what it means to know Him. And abiding in Him, means in regards to maturity, perfection, is that we grow up bearing fruit. These scriptures are for sons, those becoming mature, having been deeply rooted, who are growing up in Him. In bearing fruit we see His love being fulfilled, a complete joy, in knowing, existing in Him, in this fellowship of love, faith, hope abiding.

No one has seen God, if loving one another, God abides in us and his love exists fulfilled in us.*

The one who abides in His words knows the truth and overcomes the evil one. In other words, maturity, perfection, bears fruit of obedience and life and joy. A child, one born of God, God’s seed abides in him, he is rooted in faith and love.* If the seed of God abides in the child he will grow up to bear fruit worthy of being a son. A son of God has grown up in maturity, he shares in His holy character or reflects His image. Loving one another is a sign of maturity, that we have grown up in knowledge of Jesus, truth in love.* Peter writes we add to faith others things but the consummation or completeness or fulfillment of growth, of faith increasing, is love.* In fact Peter writes if we are increasing in these qualities then we are effective and productive in our knowledge of Jesus.

in this exists love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sin.*

The manner of love God shows us is that he sent his son not to condemn the world but to save it.* In this we see the command to believe and love one another, his brethren. How can maturity be fulfilled without the bond of love? This is why Christ died and shed his blood, so that we would be perfected, free from sin. There is a time to make sure of your calling, a time to grow up, to become mature. Truly growth distinguishes the true seed from the tare, as the reward of growth is rich entrance into the kingdom of God.* The love of God is brought to fulfillment, when we keep His words. We grow up to maturity, being perfected, completed, consummated, finished when we abide in His love and words thus the love of God is fulfilled when we keep them.

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