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Formed Into The Same Image

because those he foreknew also he predestined, to form to the image of His Son, to the extent He exists the firstborn of many brethren.*

The word for form in this verse is σύμμορφος (symmorphos) from sym "same, with, or together" and morphos "form or shape." We are being formed, shaped into the same image as Christ. This word has the same root word morphos as in transformed, μεταμορφόω (metamorphos) from meta "among, with, after" and morphos "form or shape." Into the same form as Christ we are predestined. Adam was a living soul, but Christ was a life giving Spirit. Adam was formed in the image of God but that image was corrupted. In Christ we are formed a new, so that image is being restored. To be a Christian is more than just doing good works, more than just going to heaven, we are called to be formed into an image after Christ, Christ like.

who will transfigure our lowly bodies into the same form as his glorious body, according to energy, the one power He subjects all things to himself.*

This is what it means we will rule over sin under grace as God's grace is a service to us, as we are being formed after the image of Christ, God is working through his power, energizing all things for our good. "Now, knowing all things working together for all good, for those called according to His purpose."* We hear a lot about purpose, but what is our purpose? Purpose means setting forth: plan, purpose, will; (a.) consecrated. Did you know consecration is part of our purpose as believers? This word is related to the concept of showbread which points to Christ being the living bread and the bread of consecration. Jesus is truth and consecration is in truth. The word for transfigur in this verse is μετασχηματίζω (metaschēmatizō) from meta "with, among" and schématizó "model, having outward shape." Inwardly we are formed of Spirit and it is our calling that we share in His character, outwardly. It is not that we will accomplish this fully but that we can bring life to this mortal body through the Spirit until redemption of our body, the Spirit being a pledge of this. One day our lowly bodies will be transfigured, and we will have His shape or form in body. Transfiguration is what we will experience in our body when we receive in fullness a glorified body. This is also called the redemption of our body. We are being raised into life in this mortal body thus life is brought here on earth. This process is through the Truth and the Spirit, the Spirit working not on its own but through knowledge of the Son, thus the Spirit is life in Christ, through truth and righteousness. The Spirit is power raising the seed of righteousness to bear fruit of righteousness thus teaching us to abide, to be consecrated in truth, and the outcome of abiding bears fruit of life.

be not conformed to the world, be transformed, the renewing of mind...*

This word conformed, συσχηματίζω (syschēmatizō) from syn "same, with, or together" and schématizó "model, having outward shape." We should not form outwordly to the world's image. The word transformed, μεταμορφόω (metamorphos) meta "among, with, after" and morphos "form or shape." The idea of being conformed or shaped like the world is that you take on its outward shape, of the flesh and this can occur in the Church, like the Galatians having forfeited grace and finding justification in works of the Law. Whereas God forms us a new creation inwardly then we are transformed outwardly so that we share in His holy character.

I tell you the certain truth, if not one born of water and Spirit, he can't come into the kingdom of God, what is born of the flesh exists flesh, what is born of the Spirit exists Spirit.*

We enter the kingdom of God being born a new, of Spirit. This happens as Paul writes when we hear the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation and believe.* There is no other way to the Father but this way. The way to the Father is not through the flesh but the Spirit thus the circumcision of the flesh doesn't count. If it did there would be another way to the Father, going around Christ and the new covenant in His blood, going around the Spirit of Truth. Paul writes the true Jew is circumcised not of the flesh but of the heart through the Spirit, through faith.* Peter writes the goal of our faith is the salvation of our soul, so spiritual we are working out our salvation in our soul. Through the Spirit we are formed inwardly and through transformation, the renewing of the mind, is a continuing of the forming into the shape and image of Christ outwardly. In this is consecration which purpose is that we grow up in the knowledge of the Son, so that we mature, share in His holy character, "form to the image of His Son."

present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, this is your reasonable service.*

At the present we exist children of God, spiritual, not of the flesh though dwelling in a body in which sin dwells and a world where evil is near. The body, the flesh, is against the things of the Spirit, and can not serve two masters. The body in which sin dwells belongs to the Lord, and the Lord is master of the body. In joining with Christ in death sin is rendered powerless in the body and life is brought to the mortal body. Though we will still die in body we are spiritual and will be resurrected into Life in a transfigured body. You are a child of God but the body will serve whatever you submit it to, therefore present the body a living sacrifice unto holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. This is our calling, therefore we are to make sure of that calling. There is no higher calling, no greater service. 

pursue peace with all and holiness without which no one sees the Lord.*

To those God predestined, called, and justified, also to be glorified.* Predestination is according to grace. Justification is through His blood, and by grace through redemption.* The gift of righteousness is given through faith according to grace. Glorified speaks to being transformed from glory to glory into the image of Christ.* Christ is the hope of such glory. If it is my calling, purpose, and destiny to inherit heaven and no unclean thing is in heaven then it also exists my purpose to become holy as He is holy. Homosexuals, sexual immoral, liars, false accusers, greedy... to name a few, will not inherit heaven.* Can I pick and choose which sin a child of God can struggle with in the flesh? No, but it is also truth a child of God can not be happy in sin, it is against his new nature, neither can these say they are mature in Christ. Therefore a minister who is sexually immoral or who falsely accuses a brother is not mature in Christ.

I press on toward the upward call in Christ Jesus...*

The upward calling in Christ Jesus is not just going to heaven but to be formed into the same image that exists in heaven, the image like as Christ. And this is the purpose of the Church that we grow up in knowledge of the Son, to the measure of the full image of Christ.* This is perfection or maturity in Christ. Since we are spiritual, partakers of God's divine nature, we are indebted to righteousness. Those born of God whom God's seed abides in will not continue in sin. The seed of righteousness planted within them will grow up to bear fruit of righteousness. Here is where the devil plants the weeds, to keep His children from growing up, by making the will and purpose of God about everything else, instead of our reasonable service and the sacrifice that is acceptable to God.

therefore come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord and touch no unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father to you and you will exist sons and daughters to me.*

Under the old God consecrated a people to be His own, but this was according to the flesh which was weak. The promises of the old covenant were conditional upon them be unstained, clean, separate from the world. It is also true of the new covenant but we are not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Not only did Jesus give us the right to enter the kingdom of God but also the power to rule over sin in the flesh. The world, the fleshly, are conformed to the image of the devil, sons of disobedience energized by spiritual forces, having no power to overcome. The Law was a guardian, confining, imprisoning, or barring everyone under sin.* The Law held them captive until Christ, was it a disciplinarian or a tutor as traditionally translated? If godly discipline matures and the Law did not perfect nor mature men then we can not call it a disciplianarian.* And it was set aside because it was useless in regards to discipline, because of the weakness of the flesh, so that a better hope of glory unveiled be introduced that does mature and give life.

now the discipline of God is for our benefit, in order that we may share in his holiness.*

The discipline of God is that we mature which is to share, form to His character. As a new creation we are partakers of His divine nature. But we are like treasures in a clay jar, in a body in which sin dwells. The Law with its fear of punishment, do this or die, did not mature men, if it had it would also have given them Life. The Law barred all men together until Christ, saying none were righteous no not one.* God consigned all under disobedience so that he might show His mercy.* The Law judged and condemned mankind, but God was rich in mercy through His great love for us, though the Law declared all dead in trespasses and sin, we were made alive together in Christ.* God demonstrates to the ages the riches of His grace in kindness toward us.

take care no one forfeits the grace of God; no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.*

His grace is sufficient to rule over sin as it is His power perfecting us in this weakness.* Many are defiled under legalism which is an attempt to be mature through abiding to rules and regulations, under works of laws these attempt to be perfected in the flesh. Do you not think those who try to be perfected in the flesh through laws would despise grace? Paul writes under those who forfeit grace many become bitter. Think of forfeit in regards to the race we are called to run. It is a defiling to have confidence in the flesh, attempting holiness outside of God's power. There is no such thing as going to heaven without holiness, so we are to make sure of our calling, those who fall back are like the lost. Those who burn out which is the definition of growing weary, have not learned what it means to consider how Jesus endured suffering.* We should know of communion with Him and of what it means to know Him, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Yes, first we are shaped, formed to His death.

the earth bears fruit of its own accord, first the plant, then the head of grain, then the full grain in the head.*

The natural process of the plant is that the seed dies and is planted, then transforms growing deep roots before sprouting up. If it has deep roots and endures, it will mature and bear fruit. It is the same of the seed of God, the one born of God, God's seed abides in him, so he will grow up, not continuing in unrighteousness. What kind of plant bears fruit? a mature plant. What is the purpose of abiding in the Vine? to bear fruit. What is our purpose? to be formed into the same image as Christ. How? abiding. Said another way we  grow up in Him, to become mature thus bearing fruit. One can do good works but it is the one who becomes mature who bears true fruit of God. Think about it, if spiritual growth is like the seed planted in soil, on its own accord automatically grows up and bears fruit, then what should our focus be? doing good works or growth? Growth to maturity naturally bears fruit of good works. When we grow up, becoming the same form, shape, image as Christ, we will be Christ like, doing good works. We are His workmanship prepared beforehand and walk, as Jesus walked, in good works.

and having endurance, possessing its intended work, so that you exist mature, and complete lacking in nothing.*

To bear fruit one must mature and to mature one must endure suffering, and to endure suffering we count all things loss to know Christ. To know Christ is to become like Him, in his death, so to be formed like Him in His life. True discipline of God is so that we share in His holy character.* So that we are in the form or image of His Son. To be without discipline is to not be children of God at all but illegitimate. God disciplines those he loves so we endure sufferings as discipline of God, as you are sharing in the form and image of Jesus, to be Christ like. Who would look down on a child of God under discipline? who can judge the spiritual, who can judge the mind of Christ? Those who cause a child to stumble are against Christ. If Christ is for us, who can be against us? Because God was rich in mercy through His great love He demonstrates His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. We grow up truth in love. Who can separate us from such great love?  Shall powers, tribulations, persecution, famine, danger or sword...? for it is written we are being delivered over to death all day... but in all this having victory through Him who loved us.* All things work together for those called according to His purpose, to an upward calling, to be formed into the same image as Christ.

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