do you see, that his faith energized his works and from his works his faith matured (James 2:22) * When James writes faith without works is dead the above is the best way to explain it. It is similar to understanding grace, it doesn't stand alone but produces effects. * Faith also has effects, as Paul writes when we believe in our hearts something happens inwardly and the effect is the confession from the mouth of that inward change. Faith is also energized by love, which strengthens us. Faith without love is nothing thus Love is an action, a work of faith, so as the scriptures tell us love is a bond that leads to our maturity. Here we see that faith energizes us unto good works and our faith is matured through this kind of work. now, faith exists assurance, hope, persuasion of things not seen. For in it the elders testified of God (Hebrews 11:1-12) Faith exists substance and evidence, and the effect of that is meant to energize us into works. And as we are energized through ...
blessed the God and Father of our Lord Jesus who has blessed us in all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.*
All spiritual blessings come from the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, every good and perfect gift comes from above. Jesus is the most perfect and good gift from the Father, I am blessed in Christ.
The Law came through Moses, but grace and truth came in Jesus Christ. The commandment of God came through a man, Moses, but the Word of God became a man to bring us the words of the Father. And to bless us with all spiritual blessings from the heavenlies.
I am blessed, highly favored in the Beloved, I was predestined for adoption, as His own son through Jesus Christ according to His grace, by the good pleasure of His will. He has not left me as an orphan but has blessed me with the Spirit of promise, a pledge of my inheritance, a Spirit of Adoption whom cries Abbas Father and gives testimony that I am His. And that by the riches of His mercy, through His great love for me He demonstrated His kindness toward me. Favored, chosen, adopted, I am blessed beyond all measure.
Redemption and the forgiveness of sin join together, redemption paying the debt, which includes the forgiveness of sin. To be blessed is to redeemed, to be forgiven the debt of trespasses. "In Him having redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of trespasses according to the riches of His grace."* Through Jesus, God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings from the heavenlies. "Righteousness, now of God, through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe, for there is no distinction all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, justified freely by His grace through redemption, that in Christ Jesus."* In Christ I am blessed beyond all measure with righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
He rescued us from the tyranny of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His beloved, the One in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin.*
Redemption and the forgiveness of sin join together, redemption paying the debt, which includes the forgiveness of sin. To be blessed is to redeemed, to be forgiven the debt of trespasses. "In Him having redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of trespasses according to the riches of His grace."* Through Jesus, God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings from the heavenlies. "Righteousness, now of God, through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe, for there is no distinction all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, justified freely by His grace through redemption, that in Christ Jesus."* In Christ I am blessed beyond all measure with righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
Now you exist in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God, and these; righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.*
Should I think God bought me at a price so I'm indebted to servitude? or that I was redeemed because God so loved me, placing great value on me that he would send his Son to redeem me? "For redeemed valuable..."* Truly, my identity is important, not as a servant bought, but as one redeemed, adopted as a son, one who abides in the house forever. I am highly favored in the Beloved, receiving from the riches of His grace and glory.
The Father through Moses gave men manna from heaven that perished but Jesus came down from heaven to give the true bread from heaven that endures unto everlasting Life. Jesus exists living bread and all who eat this bread will have life. I am blessed, because when I was dead in my trespasses and sin, I ate this living bread, the word of life, eternal life, and was made alive in Christ Jesus. I am blessed with eternal life.
Now, at the present in Christ Jesus, you who existed at length far way, exist by creation near, in the blood of Jesus. For He is our peace the one making us both one and taking down the dividing wall, in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments in regulations so as to create in himself one new man, from the two making peace.*I am blessed to be under grace, a new creation who has access to the throne of grace through faith. In Christ, I have been blessed with the forgiveness of sin. Christ is also a propitiation for sin, not just the sin of those who believe in Him but of the whole world.* "God exists in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. And he has trusted us with a ministry of reconciliation."*
I am blessed to not be under the Law, judged and condemned by it. In Christ there is no condemnation, I am released from that which was adverse to me, the written commandments hostile to me because of the weakness of the flesh. I am blessed to be bound to a new covenant in His blood whereby the blood of Christ atones for my trespasses and sin.
I am blessed from the riches of His mercy, through His great love for me God demonstrates his kindness toward me, reconciling me to Himself through His Son. I am given a ministry of reconciliation not to judge and condemn the world under the Law but to reconcile the world through to Him through Christ. I am blessed to exist a new creation, to be forgiven, to be at peace, brought near to God through Christ Jesus.
knowing that all those born of God, do not sin but the One begotten of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them.*
It is also a great blessing to be raised into newness of life which also means ruling over sin, and in this we are kept from the evil one. Truly, as Job was blessed, saying after his proving he had only heard about God but now he sees Him. And in Christ, there is no veiled glory but we see face to face, being transformed from glory to glory into the image of the begotten Son.
We are called to participate in the suffering of Christ as we put to death sin in the flesh and are raised into the newness of life. To be raised into the newness of life, one must put away the sin that so easily weighs down. It is not like we will be perfect in all things but we strive to be like Jesus in holy character. There is sin that leads to death, like sexual immorality, homosexuality, prostitution, alcoholism, swindling, thievery, greediness...* As were some of you guilty, but you were blessed, washed, sanctified, justified in Jesus and the Spirit of our God.*
In heaven there will not be such things, and if born of God we are called to heaven, sons of God, called out of darkness into His marvelous Light. Let us proclaim our commitment to follow Jesus into our reasonable service, to present the body a living sacrifice unto holiness, through a profession of baptism, not the washing of dirt from the body but of a good consciousness toward God. Let us who have the testimony of Spirit and blood now have the testimony of water, the purification of the body of sin. Bless our God who is faithful to do.
... who has blessed us in all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.*Is it not enough, to be blessed with adoption, redemption, the forgiveness of sin? If I were to be only a poor beggar, or walk through the valley of the shadow of death, or lying in a ditch robbed of all my earthly possessions, I have been blessed beyond all measure.
To those, He has chosen he also calls to a destiny, to a high calling, a reasonable service. So arm yourselves with the same mind of Christ, to suffer in the flesh putting away sin and being raised into newness of Life. You are blessed child, to know the Father, to be a new creation in Christ, a child of God, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, having testimony of.
You are blessed child to have a solid foundation rooted and grounded, faith energized in agape love. You are blessed young person as you make true your calling, having testimony of, becoming strong, overcoming the evil one, accepting God's will as pleasing and perfect, as you abide in the words of Jesus.* Yes, count your blessings, you are blessed beyond all measure.
Counting Every Blessing
Counting Every Blessing