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The High Call To Be Like Jesus

according to the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but according to his own purpose and grace, the one given to us in Christ Jesus before time eternal.*
We see in this verse the service of grace, that his power is perfecting us and for what purpose but to become holy as Jesus is holy. By the good pleasure of his will, which he purposed in Christ Jesus, to the praise of the glorious grace he highly favored us in the beloved, predestined us for adoption as his own, to exist holy.* It is the power of God who saved us, under grace it is his power maturing us, unto the calling in which he called us.
that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. I pray that the eyes of your heart be enlightened, you comprehending the hope in which you are called, what the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.*
The word Saint speaks of holiness, one who has become mature in Christ. The prayer that Paul prays is that we are enlightened into this calling, the hope of the calling, and the inheritance among the Saints, the holy ones. We are given the gift of righteousness but becoming like Jesus implies that our calling is to become holy, as we will see in other scriptures. In the new covenant, fear is not the beginning of wisdom and understanding but knowledge and revelation in the Son. The path to perfection, maturity, or holiness is in Jesus and the anointing we have received teaches us to abide in the words of Jesus as they consecrate, sanctify, form and transform us so that we become like Jesus. This is our high calling.
give the diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you shall never fall.*
The good works are the fruit of being His workmanship, a vessel prepared beforehand, and if we skip this preparation we bypass our true calling. What am I called to? called to a vocation, a place of ministry, a serving in the church? If maturity is not based upon works, then it is not based upon a vocation. Paul writes, like serving in the old testament temple did not perfect it doesn’t today.* If living to the letter of the Law or serving and sacrificing perfected men then Jesus would have not needed to come. So we see our spiritual worship, our reasonable service, is a calling unto holiness, which is not based upon these things; not upon being a member, not upon tithing and giving, nor serving in the Church.
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, the one reasonable service of you.*
The one reasonable service is related to our calling. This is the highest form of worship to God. The common thinking in regards to “calling” is to a vocation, for example, I am called to be a minister or a missionary. This is traditionally taught, a minister is  “called” to this position by God and if you are a member of his church you are called to “serve” them in this calling. This type of thinking undermines the call to holiness and defeats the concept of the greatest being a servant of all. The leadership of the world thinks this way, a lording over, which is about personal achievement and gain. In the kingdom of God, you give up such as a service to God and his people, for the purpose of building up the Church. Paul writes many doctrines were being introduced into the Church, to pervert the gospel, the intentions were to toss to and fro, to keep them from growing up. If the calling is to become holy, then the perversion keeps them from entry into this, true calling. The gifts are given to equip the saints for the work of ministry; to build up the body of Christ.*
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling wherein you were called.*
The first word for calling in this verse is usually translated as vocation, so comes the belief that I am called to a vocation; a minister, called to serve in a vocation often called stewardship. That the word call is translated as vocation speaks of the confusion. The fact that Paul is beseeching from prison doesn’t go unnoticed here. In this verse the first word for calling is κλῆσις (klēsis) “a calling, invitation” and the second word is καλέω (kaleō) “to call”. There is an invitation (klētos) to all and a calling to a few, “For many are invited, now, few are chosen.”* All are called, invited, but few are chosen, in context, Jesus tells of the banquet feast, in which a man shows up not in wedding garments. In regards to our calling to become holy, what do the wedding garments represent? purity, holiness. If we make the calling about anything other than holiness, many will be cast out questioning, have we not done many mighty works in your name?
For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, but God chose the foolish of the world so to humiliate the wise. God chose the weak of the world to humiliate the strong.*
We are chosen by grace.* We are called in grace, “I marvel that you are so soon removed from him who called you in the grace of Christ unto another gospel…”* We are called unto the grace of Christ, the word of truth is also called the word of grace, as Jesus came in the fullness of grace and truth. The Spirit is a Spirit of life and truth and grace as from the riches of God’s grace we are blessed in Christ, with the gift of abundant grace and righteousness and eternal life. We will rule over sin under grace as it is God’s power perfecting us to become holy.
… called (kaleō) us to a holy calling (klēsis), not because of our works but according to his own purpose and grace…*
The word (klēsis) means “calling by invitation.” We are called to a holy invitation. God is not domineering over us, demanding in wrath and anger that we become holy, no, he sent his Son as a propitiation for sin and to those who receive him he gives the power to become children of God. The word klēsis was used to rank army draftees by the property of first to fifth class. This worldly type of understanding of authority is based upon rank and position,  but Jesus said it is not so in the kingdom of God, do not call yourself rulers, leaders, as the world does, the greatest will become a servant of all, the first will become last. The gifts are not a calling that gives authority to lord over but to serve for the purpose of building up unto holiness which is also called perfection and maturity and transformation into the image of Christ. This is a very difficult task to teach today when the basis of maturity is upon other things. When men place themselves in the position of lord teaching submission to the authority of men neglecting the example through submission in meekness to the word of God, these reinforce the calling to be of position and titles and rankings of men, neglecting the one who is Lord and Head of the Church.
Circumcision exists nothing, and uncircumcision exists nothing, rather keeping God’s commission. Continue each person, abiding in this person in whom called.*
The fruit of obedience is achieved by abiding in the Vine. One will not be perfected through circumcision, nor under the Mosaic Law so I will continue in the condition I was called; the uncircumcised. The Gentiles were not called under circumcision, nor were the uncircumcised called under the guardian of the Mosaic Law. The Gentiles were never under the Law so why do men today claim they should be under the Law? And if for the Jew of the flesh the Law had no power to perfect, why go back? it is to fall from grace and sever the branch from abiding in Christ. It is legalism, a mindset of being justified by works. God’s Grace is a service to us, as it is God’s power perfecting us. Therefore I will continue, abide in the condition and in the One who has called me.
One and the same body and one Spirit. In this manner, called (kaleō) in one hope of his calling (klēsis,) one Lord, one faith, one God and Father of us all…*
The gifts Paul writes are given for the work of ministry, which is to build up the body. What does building up mean? He writes unto the full measure of the stature of the image of Christ. So we are no longer tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine in deceitful scheming… but truth in love we grow up into him who is head Christ.* Do we not see the calling? Is it not the work of ministry, the building up, the edification, the growing up, perfection, maturity, to become like Christ? is it not Christ who is pure and holy and are we not called to be like Christ, Christians, to become holy as he is holy? “For God has not called us unto impurity, but in holiness.”* This is the whole concept of consecration, a people holy, set apart, called. Not servants to impurity but unto righteousness, unto holiness.* 
But now being freed from sin and becoming servants of God, you have your fruit unto holiness, now, the outcome everlasting life.*
We are called into liberty.*  We are called to become holy. As the concept that holiness is achieved under grace, also is holiness achieved in freedom and liberty. The Law with its schoolmaster, the power in its ruler, the fear of punishment, did not perfect men. If one is truly born of God, His seed abides in him and the fruit he gets leads him unto holiness or as John writes he can not continue, remain, or abide in sin. Paul writes such remaining in sin is a wretched state, not having the power to overcome. It is against the new nature the child of God now has; being of Spirit, a partaker of his divine nature. The devil is at work to stunt the growth of God’s children. How does the devil choke out the seedlings? Enslave them in fear, do not teach them true Liberty and freedom in Christ. Domineer and lord over them, judge and condemn, teach them that life is elsewhere. Altogether, do away with the calling unto holiness, make the reasonable service about something else, like serving, tithing, giving… Plant weeds among them, doctrines that keep them immature.
And to this extent, we pray for you constantly, so that our God deems you worthy of the calling, and causes to abound all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work of faith in power.*
At its basis, the service of grace leads to perfection in his power. Vocation, serving, tithing, living to rules and regulations, forms of self-abasement of the flesh, principles of this world of do not touch, taste, nor handle… these have little value in regards to perfection, to our becoming holy. The anointing that abides in us John writes teaches us to abide in the word of Jesus. The words of Jesus has power. This is the perfect law that provides freedom as in the words of Jesus we abide and we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. Holiness is achieved in God’s power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, as we consecrate, sanctify ourselves in the words of Jesus. There is no other way to achieve holiness. If the words of Jesus exists truth and faith increases through truth and faith without love faith is nothing then truth without love is not the truth. Therefore, truth in love, the words of Jesus mature us and the bond of love leads to perfection. The eyes of truth are agape love.
I press toward the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.*
Paul writes beware of the mutilators, those of the circumcision party, who wanted the Gentile Christians to be circumcised. The church of Galatia had been bewitched by their teachings and had fallen from grace, severing themselves from Christ. How? they put confidence in the flesh, no longer under grace in God’s power, but living to the letter of the law. Here Paul explains this showing in the flesh is in their own righteousness, not the righteousness in Christ.* Today we would see similar showings in the flesh; well, I give, tithe, serve in the Church, have been a member for years… blah, blah, blah. “Unless this rules all; existing loss through holding above, of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, through whom all this also I consider dung, in order that I gain Christ.”* This rules all in seeking first his kingdom and righteousness, to hold above all; that of knowing Christ.
I press toward the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Now then, those mature have this mindset, and if any think differently, then the one God reveals it to you.*
What is the high calling of God? The mindset of those who have been matured is endurance, which means under abiding, this is the path to holiness. Those who do not have such a mindset, the focus is on things of this world, their god is their belly.* Jesus turned away many that followed him, saying they followed him for earthly food because their bellies were filled. They wanted an earthly ruler and king. Paul writes it is not that maturity and holiness will be fully accomplished, we eagerly await a savior who will transform our body. Also, the Spirit is a guarantee of his possession which speaks of a people holy, set apart and will not be fully achieved until all things are made new. In Christ, we are the praise of his glory and Jesus is the hope of glory, that one day we will be like him, in glory.  The race we run is not as some sacrifice and offering, as some duty of a servant that neglects holiness, no, we fix our eyes on Jesus, the end goal is that we become holy like Jesus.
Now, may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your spirit, soul, and body, be kept whole and blameless in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, he will surely do it.*
Under grace we entrust ourselves to God, it is he who has called us and it is he who is planning all things for our good. And it is He that will lead us into sanctification, in which outcome is life. James writes keeping oneself unstained or pure from the world is pure religion.* “Just as the one calling you is holy, you become holy also becoming holy in your conduct. For it is written, become holy as I exist holy.”* Our calling is to become pure, holy. This is our consecration in truth. The full deity of the Godhead existed in Christ but he lived as a man. Some have explained it like he had that power, like a credit card, but he never used this God card. Surely if he lived with this power we can’t possess then this would have been unfair, unachievable by a man. But He gave us an example to walk by. As Jesus consecrated himself in truth we are to be consecrated in the words of truth.* This is how we become holy.

The calling is affirmed in that the anointing we have received teaches us to abide in Jesus.* God’s power is perfecting us in truth and his grace is sufficient. The mind of the believer will not go naturally into abiding in the words of Jesus. The carnal mind can’t accept, approve of the things of God. It will find all other kinds of activities to replace abiding. And the devil knows this and that abiding in the words of Jesus is transformation, the renewing of the mind. The devil knows this is the path to holiness, so evil wars against the carnal mind to bring the child of God into captivity to sin in this body of death in which we live. We are spirit, soul, and body, born of Spirit when we believed in Jesus and we will not receive a glorified body until we die or Christ returns. Here is the battle; the salvation of our souls. The goal of our faith Peter writes is the salvation of our souls.*
And the God of all grace, the one calling you into his eternal glory in Christ, after suffering a while, himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.*
Perfection, maturity, holiness is achieved under grace, it is in love, not through the fear of punishment. The mindset needed is not one focused on earthly blessings and rewards. One will endure proving during trials that bring maturity if they have a strong foundation, rooted and grounded in faith and love. Jesus said labor not for food that perishes but for food that endures unto everlasting Life. It is the words of Jesus that exist eternal Life thus He is the Word of God, the Word of life, Eternal Life. To have fellowship with him, we labor, we feed on his words. We must abide in his words, we will not bear fruit if we do not abide. The calling is unto holiness, the calling is unto eternal life and so we participate in his suffering. As James writes in the trials is proving, testing, that brings forth maturity.* To those who endure Christ will ordain, exalt, bring forth into maturity, those who in meekness submit to the words of truth. The path to holiness goes through proving, all are called, but only a few are chosen, let us make sure our calling is sure. 
Now, you are a chosen offspring, a royal priesthood, a holy people of his own possession.  In this manner you declare the deeds of the one calling you out of darkness into his marvelous light.*
This is the witness I should proclaim to the world, my calling, out of darkness into his marvelous light. If I look like the world then I am not our of darkness and do not look like Jesus. Thus my reasonable service is unto holiness, this is my calling. The Holy Spirit is a guarantee of the possession until there is the redemption of it. Full redemption, a glorified body,  a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. The Spirit moans inwardly in us for such a thing. We are the praise of his glory, a people of his own possession, a people called out of darkness, into Liberty, into the Light. Being like Him in glory speaks of consecration, of holiness. A Christian is being Christ-like. Maturity and holiness are that I am being transformed into the image of Christ, from glory to glory. This is when I am the praise of His glory and when I truly proclaim the deeds of the one who has called me. Truly I can proclaim I am his workmanship prepared beforehand for good works. If I help orphans but am not prepared, not pure and holy, then I do not have pure religion. I declare to the world that I am a chosen offspring when I am like him thus the calling is to become like Him, a holy people.
see what great love the Father has given to us, that we are called the children of God and so we exist. The reason the world doesn’t know us is that it doesn’t know him. Dear friends, now at the present we exist children of God and it is not yet revealed what we exist, we know that when revealed we will exist like him because we see him just as he exists. And all who have this hope in him purifies himself just as he exists pure.*
To those who receive Jesus, to those who believe in his name, he gives the dominion to become children of God.* This is a Spirit of Adoption as Paul writes which testifies that we are his children. Chosen, predestined according to grace, through the knowledge of Jesus. “His divine power, freely given to us, all that for life and godliness, through the knowledge of the one calling us, by his own glory and might.” Truly, I proclaim it is by his own glory and might I am brought forth.
So calling and encouraging you and testifying to the extent that you conduct yourselves in a manner becoming, of God the one calling you into his own kingdom and glory.*
What is a manner becoming, if not that we are becoming holy like Jesus? The one who is calling us is holy and so we become in a manner worthy. Of course, this becoming is in the strength of his power, to the praise of his glory. Such should be testimony, I believe the testimony of water, the purification of the body of sin. We are called to be a holy people. “For the one consecrating and those consecrated, all of one origin. This is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.” Many are called to holiness, to liberty, and to eternal life. To those who enter into this reasonable service, unto holiness, which is the highest form of worship and service to God, these are of the same origin as Jesus, holy like he is holy, these Jesus calls a brother.

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