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A Little Truth About Tithing

I fast twice a week and tithe all that I get...*

The truth about tithing is a deserving topic to write about so I will try to cover some of it here. We know that the blood of Jesus established a new testament or covenant, so to abandon it for the old is to abandon Christ, to sever and fall from grace, Paul writes. Since we have a new covenant and tithing is such an important concept, called by some as the highest form of worship to God, let us look at the teaching of tithing in the new covenant. Well, there isn't any. We see Jesus use the word in his woes to the Pharisees. Here Jesus tells the story of a Pharisee who goes to the temple to pray bragging about how good he is and how much he tithes, but it was the man who was humble, who recognized that salvation is not by anything he can do, that was just before God.

In this place mortal men receive tithe now in the other case testimony that he lives.*

Some use this story of Abraham to establish tithing in the new and at ten percent  The comparison of Jesus to Melchisedek though Paul writes is not some teaching about tithing that justifies such but is a testimony that Jesus exists. The similarity in his name, king of peace and righteousness, that he was without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, thus as the Son of God he continues a High Priest forever. He was a form of the priesthood outside that of the sons of Levi, a Nazarite priest. Through the Law a mandate was established for tithing, "And of the sons of Levi receiving priestly office having command according to the Law to tithe from the people..."* 

Of course we know that we are not under the Law in the new covenant, it is a dispensation of grace. But even in the old it was a shadow of that to come, Jesus, the tithing testimony that he exists. He became an offering, consecrated to God for this purpose. And this is why Paul writes that presenting the body a living sacrifice is our reasonable service.* God himself did not desire an offering nor a sacrifice but a body prepared to do his will. So Jesus consecrated himself, sanctified in truth to do the will of God, and this is the true service and highest form of worship to God. Some go back and build upon the tithing of the old to establish it in the new, much like those of the circumcision party Paul writes of. So let us see what the old testament says about the command of tithing to see if they truly even believe Moses. 

For the tithe of the people of Israel which they preset as a contribution to the Lord, I have given to the levities for an inheritance. Therefore I have said of them that they shall have no inheritance among the people of Israel.*

The sons of Levi, the priests who were chosen by God for service in the templeI, lived off the tithe. It is symbolism, as Paul writes, in the new covenant we are all priests of God, chosen for service and more we are his temple. If tithing exists in the new there is not a special group, say pastors only that are entitled to it. The tithing that was given to the temple for offering to God, ten percent of the best was given to God and the rest was used for the priest to live off of. Also we see in the laws the priests could have no inheritance in the land. They lived and bathed and ate within the courtyards of the temple. No inheritance is what Jesus meant saying they turned his House into a den of thieves implying they had broken this command, profiting through a marketplace they had put in the courtyard of the temple. In this country ministers used to live to this rule of no inheritance but now it has become a career path, and a place of fame and fortune. Such opens the doors for all kinds of falsehood.

Today millionaire ministers teach tithing, picking and choosing, manipulating what they want of the laws of tithing, especially leaving out the one about no inheritance in the land. There is great conflict of interest in those who live off then teach about tithing. Think about it, if I owned an oil company but then I was on the board of an environmental organization this would be consider conflict of interest. Most likely I would choose the benefits from the oil over stewarding  the environment. Likewise it is with those who live off the tithing they are biased and to say the truth now would endanger their livelihood. Paul writes in the new covenant we are all priests therefore if tithing does exist then we are all entitled to live off of it. Now, the idea of bearing your own load as Paul writes about, is thrown out the window, today. Unlike Paul, who wrote about these things and worked hard with his hands. Why? because he knew of how such looks to the world, that it is a testimony to the world who is working hard to get by and how it would create an entitlement mindset. Today we have ministers who think they are entitled to live lavishly on tithing and even bragging such is a blessing from God. 

The statistics says over 65% of tithing and giving goes to the livelihood of the ministers who live off the tithing. Doesn't that really say something? if we really loved Jesus we would bear our own load, so the statistics go down and what goes to spread the gospel or help orphans goes up. If we would bear the load fully then 100% would go to help others, ministry begins in your own house. I have worked hard to have what I have today, and besides serving in the military which helped with some college expenses I truly bore the load to achieve this. I worked hatd and still do to bear my own load. Preparation for ministry for me began in 2013 and since then I have received no tithing. In the ministry of teaching it takes work to study and write and also to work with my hands bearing my own load not being an expense to anyone so that no one has any offense against me thus not at the gospel, which is the reason Paul writes he bore his own load. 

So you visit a church and they talk about their new building fund and the ministries you help to support. Their whole concept of giving and tithing is outward focused and you are said to be sacrificing for the greater purpose of others knowing Christ. Thus Jesus is pleased with you, and giving is the highest form of worship, and you don' t need to do anything, they do the ministry, give to us and we will spread the gospel... But this is not the great commission I read about, no, it is inward focused. In fact it is about building up people who go out into the world and build up other people. Did this new church you visited mention they are also giving to these other ministries? But did they say anything about giving to the brother who lost his job, or the one whose business failed, who has faithfully given and been a member? most likely not as the outward focus is said to love the world thus God but the hypocrisy is seen in that it loves the world and the things of the world over his brethren.

In Acts we read how the early church had fellowship one with another, and gave all they had to help one another.* I believe this is what Jesus meant by your love for one another you are known as my disciples. The gifts of evangelism and giving are given to the church but we see how truth can been manipulated, which false prophets would do for their own personal gain. I can speak harshly about such things but we are warned about these things in scriptures, so we are not to be of fear on one hand but also not like Christian ostriches who stick there head in the sand oblivious to the schemes of the devil. 

look at the birds of the air, neither do they sow nor reap nor gather into store houses and your heavenly Father cares for them. Are you not more valuable than they?*

We see several things in this verse that I have come to believe is true. One is that giving and tithing is not a reaping and sowing matter. His children do not need to reap and sow for God to take care of their needs. Neither will you reap a hundredfold if you give a dollar bill. I believe this concept of giving from your storehouse to be truth. It is even inithe okd the way, with three and seven year tithings for the poor. If God takes care of your needs you do not need to give or tithe it back. Jesus said the Pharisee robbed the widows of their homes. And we can see how, God met the widows need but the Pharisee told her to give all God will blessbhere hundredfild and give ten percent to God, thus she could no longer pay her rent. Is not your home the place over your head a need? You give not from the needs God has met but from the store house, over abundance.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse...*

I have established this principle of giving based upon the idea of a store house and the offerings I give are unto the poor. In others words once God has blessed my family, and his family, then from the store houses or over abundance I give to the poor. An unwise man would give to the poor neglecting his children but this is what some would teach as a sacrifice for Jesus. This truth exists in the scriptures if you don't take care of your own you are not fit to minister, thus if your church gives to strangers while turning their hearts from their brethren, the love of God is not in them, they are doing it for another reason.

Owe no man anything, except to love one another, for the one that loves his neighbor fulfills the law.*

This is another truth related to giving, owe no man anything. Pay off your debt so you can give from your store houses not your needs. God promises to supply your needs so pay off the debt for those needs. What would happen if you loose your income, will your church take care of you, the very one that teaches it is a blessing to give than receive, the one you have given, tithed, and sacrificed for? What I have seen is that they will not, you are not entitled to the tithing, they are, 65% of it and they decide where that money goes. John writes we test the spirits if they do not love God's children they are not born of God. Yes, love God, love his children, and love the world, in order. Some say loving the world is loving God and his children are to sacrifice for such. John gives us a way to tell false ministry from true, if they have the worlds goods and turn their heart from the brother even in the name of reaching the world, they do not know God. 

The giving of one tenth in the Old was of agricultural produce, the showbread and burnt offerings the priest could eat.  There was no monetary gain at all, their needs were met and they could not have an inheritance in the land, they were consecrated for service in the temple. So how in the world have we gotten to the place we are in today?  We see no teaching of tithing in the new covenant and we see even the laws of tithing in the old testament are not being lived to, ministers pick and choose which part of the tithing laws they will adhere to. How does i ever get to such a place. Doctrines and traditions of men. Some churches are so entrenched in traditions they sing, read, and even pray out load in old English. It is silly to think that God speaks that way and if they want accuracy of scriptures learn Greek not old English. But such is a sign they are entrenched in tradition, not in truth. 

giving not, presenting an obstacle in anyone so that the ministry is not faulted.*

In affliction, in hardship, in hunger Paul writes he would rather suffer these than present an obstacle to someone? And what does Paul ask from this Church? to open not their wallets to him, no, but their hearts to hear God's word.* Wow.

An obstacle is a stumbling block. Jesus said whoever causes any of his children to stumble, it will be better for them if a millstone were tied around their neck and they were cast into the sea.* Pretty strong words from Jesus about being an obstacle. I have heard of many of the obstacles of drinking and eating but never have I heard of the kind of obstacle Paul is writing about. Today one of the major reasons why people do not go to church is they say the church just wants their hard earned money. If I do love Jesus and it is his ministry why would I put out an obstacle before someone. Think about it, they come because they are heavy ladened but are tripped up in the obstacle of tithing, a tradition of the church. Of course there is the issue of entitlement promoted by ministers who live off the tithe. Bearing your own load is a concept Paul also writes of, and to many hard working Americans this would be an obstacle.

and through existing of the same trade he stayed with them and worked for them, they were tent-makers by trade.* 

Per principle Paul did not take of the tithing, he worked with his hands. How esle could he write about such tings as to bear your own load if he was living off the tithing? "or only I and Barnabas have no ability to not work."*  He also asks doesn't a soldier get paid, does not if these have that right, and does not even the Law say not to muzzle an ox as it threshes? And he reasons "If we sowed spiritual things among you is it not much if we reap material things from you?"* Surely these passages justify an entitlement to live off the tithing, if you received spiritual food give earthly to the minster earthly food. Paul writes. 

others have shared in this right over you, do we not have more?

Obviously in this Church other ministers had claimed right to take tithing and Paul writes he had even more of a right to do so. "Do you not know those who perform sacred rites eat food from the temple and those serving in the temple altar share in he sacrificial offering."* Yes, this we saw earlier in the Old Testament as Paul says the priests had a right to live off the tithing and to partake of the food offered, so the "burnt offering" they could eat the meat of.  Also he says this principle exists "the one proclaiming the gospel is to live from the gospel."* Surely Paul writes he had this right to take from the tithing as others did. But now we come to the smoking gun, so to say, in regards to tithing.

Now, I am not making use of any of these, yea, neither I am writing so that this comes into existence, no, I would rather die...*

Paul writes he would rather die than take from the tithing. Amazing! "... no one shall take away my grounds for boasting! unless I preach the gospel I do not exist glorying, for I am compelled to do so"* This word for glorying
speaks of reward as in the case of the Pharisees whom Jesus said sought the glory or reward of men. Paul doesn't need to have a salary nor live off the tithing this would be as a wage, and such he doesn't want to compel him. In my own life God has been working this truth in me, what strengthens me and compels me to run this race. In working one receives a wage but we should not be compelled by rewards nor by the fear of punishment, something deeper compels us to run this race. We are being perfected in love.

For if I practice this willingly I have a wage, now, if unwillingly, I am persuaded of stewardship, what then is my reward?*

Paul doesn't try to argue with them about tithing, and he is not trying to manipulate them cunningly so they will give him money, no. He speaks of living off the tithing being like a wage or an entrusting of stewardship based upon reward. Some have this attitude that ministry is an entrusting of stewardship and we see why, because they do it for a wage, they live off the tithing. Today ministry has become a career path, a wage earner, and unfortunately for God's children and the lost, an opportunity for fame and fortune. So the glorying that Paul speaks of is why he doesn't live off the tithe as he is compelled by some other means, there is a gain for Christ in such.

For I am free from all, making myself a servant of all, so that I win great.*

Yes, the stumbling block that Paul saw was living off the gospel, and though he was free to do so, he chose not to. Yes, he was a servant of all, though not under the Law he served those under the Law and to those outside the Law he became outside, though subject to the law of Christ.* And what is the law of Christ? to bear the burden of another, we read in two places,.* This Paul carried as a message, which is the message of Christ, to lift the burden of those who are heavy ladened. And so we see why Paul boasted about preaching the gospel without reward, without taking from the tithing, he wanted to save as many as possible, those heavy ladened, to lift their burden. Tithing is a stumbling block to many so I as Paul will not be a cause for stumbling, I will bear my own load, the gain is for Christ.

To Live Is Christ

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