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How To Save Your Soul

Therefore put aside all moral dirtiness and all around moral badness and receive in gentle force the implanted word, the one powerful to save your souls.*

Now, I do not write about salvation in regards to eternal redemption, go here for more information about this. I speak of the salvation of your soul, for this is the goal of faith, "obtaining the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.* So put aside evil which wars against the soul. The word here for moral dirtiness speaks of purification of the body, something only a believer would benefit from. All around moral badness speaks of malice which is a desire to do evil in regards to ill will, spitefulness; animosity, hate, hatred; bitterness.* In context of Jesus saying do not be anxious about anything he references this type of evil that afflicts the soul, "... sufficient is the day its own moral badness."* In regards to this kind of morality if we live in it we are burdened as any sin does weighing down, it wars against our soul as it is against our true nature. Let us look into this, in regards to salvation of our soul.

A type, baptism, which now saves you, not removing of dirt from the body but as an appeal for a good conscience to God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.*

Some sin defiles, like sexual immorality Paul writes, and as John writes there is sin that leads to death, and sin that doesn't.* To be a wretched man is to live against your true nature. Evil does its part to bring us into captivity to sin in the flesh, it wars against the carnal mind to bring it into captivity to sin. Being weak in faith the child of God is easily defiled, by partaking from the altar of demons. In the Church we see many attempts to change outward behavior in forms of self abasement of the flesh, living to the letter of the law with its fear of punishment, judgement, and condemnation of sin and other earthly principles like consequentialism. However what counts and strengthens is being a new creation, faith active in love, and obedience in regards to overcoming evil through abiding in the words of Jesus. The cleansing of the body of Christ is through His words.* In regards to this cleansing we see the concept of salvation of our souls which is an appeal to God for a good conscious, not the washing away of moral filthiness and dirt from the body. 

... but as an appeal for a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.*

This word for appeal means inquiry, request, appeal. It is often translated as pledge, or profession, thus we see how some say baptism is a pledge or a commitment to follow Christ, but more so it is a type that now saves us, not like water that removes dirt from the body, but a testimony of water, as there exists three. Yes, John the baptist proclaimed repent and be baptized for the remission of sin, but he was preparing the way for Christ, who would take away the sins of the world through his blood. The type is in regards to salvation of our souls, the purification of the body in which sin dwells. "Through the resurrection" speaks of the power of God to raise up into newness of Life, "all who consider the Son and believe to the extent of Him will have eternal life, and I will raise him up...”* Truly, our strength comes through the Lord.

Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.*

How can one have a good conscious toward God when he indulges in the passions of the flesh contradicting God's holiness? Peter writes its like a pig who after being washed goes back to wallow in the slop.* Of course a pig not cleansed inwardly is like trying to pretty up a pig by putting lipstick on it, or a suit. Paul writes of how terrible it would be for a person after knowing the truth to turn back as to fall into the hands of a living God. Of course it is God's hand he falls into and those of God can not continue in sin, as John writes, which is not a threat but a promise, while we are weak God is faithful to fulfill his word in us. Truly, it is his word that washes the body of sin.

Christ loved the congregation also delivering himself for her so that he might sanctify her, cleansing by the washing of water through the word.*

Here we see double truth, the body referring to both the church and the purification of our body from sin. The congregation in this verse refers to the children of Israel who were consecrated in an old covenant, under a guardian, until Jesus came and delivered himself to give them power to enter and become children of God. The congregation now is the Church, two become one as the Gentiles also enter into this promise, both through believing. Now, as Paul writes we are sanctified, consecrated, and holy by the blood of Jesus, so how do we explain this verse? It would be a contradiction only if we can not divide, soul and spirit. The solution for sin for those outside the congregation is to believe. For the congregation it is regarding purification of the body, through the washing of the words of Jesus. It is putting off the old garments, the washing of moral filthiness that dwells in the body.

... receive in gentle force the implanted word, the one powerful to save your souls.*

Gentle force is also defined as meekness. We see it in action when Jesus said, "take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."* Find rest for your soul in the words of JesusGentleness turns away anger but harsh words stir up wrath.* This kind of moral filthiness in the Church is seen when its people attack and insult those of the world. "Do not be deceived, every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of light, with no variation, neither shadows changing."* Gentleness is a gift of the Holy Spirit so those not gentle in words are acting in the flesh not the Spirit. In gentleness is how one fulfills the law of Christ, saving the soul of a brother, in regards to him being of the fold but now is lost.* Gentleness and meekness is a sign of a mature Church.* And as Jesus said, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.*

receive in meekness the implanted word, the one powerful to save your souls.*

This word implanted means ingrafted, which speaks of both connecting to the Vine, and remaining in the Vine. This is abiding in the words of Jesus which is our part to receive with meekness the implanted word, conditional of good soil. "Willingly He brought us forth the word of truth to the extent that we exist certain fruit-fruits the one he created."* Our eternal salvation hinges on the word implanted in us bearing fruit, in the parable of sowing it is the word of God sown, who is Jesus. We come to Jesus, hear and consider his words, and believing becoming also a fruit of this new creation. God desired not sacrifice nor offerings but a body he had prepared, and Jesus was able to be such an offering to redeem mankind because he lived an indestructible life. The Word of Life brings us forth into a new creation, and it is powerful to save our souls. The answer to the question, how to save your soul, is the implanted word, to receive in meekness the words of Jesus, powerful to save the soul.

No Matter What

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