"Truly I say to you if you change not and become not like the little child you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."1
What does it mean to change and become like a child? We begin with this word for "to you" it is the Greek word ὑμῖν which has a different meaning than the Greek word σοι meaning "to you." The meaning of ὑμῖν puts emphasis on the type of "change" required, a new birth. From it, we see words that celebrate marriage and in the sense of a covenant, of a veil broken that leads to newness of life. Becoming like a child is the change required, such speaks of the greatest testimony of Spirit, being born from above. Also, this change speaks of transformation, of renewal of the mind, of becoming like. Becoming like a child one enters and becomes great in the kingdom of heaven.
"truly, truly, I say to you unless a person is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God."3
Being born from above speaks not of an earthly birth but birth from a spiritual realm.4 This was Jesus, both Son of Man, born of earth, and the Son of God, born of above.5 Jesus said "What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit."6 To change and become like a child speaks of a new birth, a new creation. This word for change has often been associated with repentance, a turning or change of mind, but it is much more, this change is in the sense of ὑμῖν, of birth. Repentance is of the will of God, Paul writes, it is without regret, it is not an atonement or purging of sin, the blood of Christ does this.7 Incorrect teachings of repentance can lead to a works justification, or a thinking that one has to clean up to come to Jesus, or even worse a thinking that one can't change, or ever make the mark, this creates hopelessness, a worldly sorrow that leads to death. We are born as a little child, of a natural birth, and we must become as a little child, born of Spirit, to enter the kingdom of heaven.
"For whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."8
We see that the change necessary to enter the kingdom is that one must be born a child of God. Now, we see the mind like that of Christ necessary to be the greatest in the kingdom. This word for humble speaks of being lowly as in being reliant upon God rather than self and the earthly realm. This is the same concept of being poor in spirit, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."9 Jesus said it is difficult but not impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom, such speaks of change, that one must not trust in earthly riches, one must enter as a child. A child is dependent upon. The little child Jesus put in front of Him, saying the greatest are those who are humble like this child. This humility in the sense of change is a mind that becomes like a child and speaks of being deeply destitute, completely lacking resources, coming before a Father who can do anything above what we can think or do.
"I tell to you the truth whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a child will never enter it."10
We know one must become a new creation, a child of God to enter the kingdom. And we know that the greatest become like a child, thus the first become last. Now, we see how to enter the kingdom of God; "receive the kingdom of God as a child." Receiving means to take with the hand, to take up, to receive with joy, give ear to, embrace, make one's own, approve, not to reject. Receiving is seen in the parable of the sower, where the seed, the words of Christ, the gospel sown in peace in the hearts of men, is received as a little child. Jesus is the author of faith, Paul writes, so believing is receiving a free gift in Christ. The root word for faith speaks of trust, of being divinely persuaded that God is faithful, trustworthy, reliable, and believing. What father whom a child has approached asking for bread will He not give to the child? oh, how valuable is the earthly child to a heavenly Father, who promises that any who ask will receive the power to become a child of God.
"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"10
It is an amazing thing, that which was from the beginning came among men, this One baptizes with the Spirit. By the Spirit, we have the testimony of being His child, and a guarantee of inheritance. One must become like a little child to enter, such is being born of Spirit. We see the great ones in the kingdom become as a child, the first becoming last lifting up the least of these His brethren. One becomes a child of God by hearing and receiving the words of Christ. Now, the child is becoming a man, he will always stand in grace as a little child, one who is justified, righteous, and in purity and innocence before the Father. This child, his sins having been washed away by the blood of the Lamb, thrown into the sea never to be held against him. This identity of the child of God is a new mind, one that stands before a loving Father, as a little child in innocence, such a mind the enemy can not defeat. Become like a child, hear him and receive him, "to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"14
O God Forgive Us

"truly, truly, I say to you unless a person is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God."3
Being born from above speaks not of an earthly birth but birth from a spiritual realm.4 This was Jesus, both Son of Man, born of earth, and the Son of God, born of above.5 Jesus said "What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit."6 To change and become like a child speaks of a new birth, a new creation. This word for change has often been associated with repentance, a turning or change of mind, but it is much more, this change is in the sense of ὑμῖν, of birth. Repentance is of the will of God, Paul writes, it is without regret, it is not an atonement or purging of sin, the blood of Christ does this.7 Incorrect teachings of repentance can lead to a works justification, or a thinking that one has to clean up to come to Jesus, or even worse a thinking that one can't change, or ever make the mark, this creates hopelessness, a worldly sorrow that leads to death. We are born as a little child, of a natural birth, and we must become as a little child, born of Spirit, to enter the kingdom of heaven.
"For whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."8
We see that the change necessary to enter the kingdom is that one must be born a child of God. Now, we see the mind like that of Christ necessary to be the greatest in the kingdom. This word for humble speaks of being lowly as in being reliant upon God rather than self and the earthly realm. This is the same concept of being poor in spirit, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."9 Jesus said it is difficult but not impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom, such speaks of change, that one must not trust in earthly riches, one must enter as a child. A child is dependent upon. The little child Jesus put in front of Him, saying the greatest are those who are humble like this child. This humility in the sense of change is a mind that becomes like a child and speaks of being deeply destitute, completely lacking resources, coming before a Father who can do anything above what we can think or do.
"I tell to you the truth whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a child will never enter it."10
We know one must become a new creation, a child of God to enter the kingdom. And we know that the greatest become like a child, thus the first become last. Now, we see how to enter the kingdom of God; "receive the kingdom of God as a child." Receiving means to take with the hand, to take up, to receive with joy, give ear to, embrace, make one's own, approve, not to reject. Receiving is seen in the parable of the sower, where the seed, the words of Christ, the gospel sown in peace in the hearts of men, is received as a little child. Jesus is the author of faith, Paul writes, so believing is receiving a free gift in Christ. The root word for faith speaks of trust, of being divinely persuaded that God is faithful, trustworthy, reliable, and believing. What father whom a child has approached asking for bread will He not give to the child? oh, how valuable is the earthly child to a heavenly Father, who promises that any who ask will receive the power to become a child of God.
"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"10
It is an amazing thing, that which was from the beginning came among men, this One baptizes with the Spirit. By the Spirit, we have the testimony of being His child, and a guarantee of inheritance. One must become like a little child to enter, such is being born of Spirit. We see the great ones in the kingdom become as a child, the first becoming last lifting up the least of these His brethren. One becomes a child of God by hearing and receiving the words of Christ. Now, the child is becoming a man, he will always stand in grace as a little child, one who is justified, righteous, and in purity and innocence before the Father. This child, his sins having been washed away by the blood of the Lamb, thrown into the sea never to be held against him. This identity of the child of God is a new mind, one that stands before a loving Father, as a little child in innocence, such a mind the enemy can not defeat. Become like a child, hear him and receive him, "to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,"14
O God Forgive Us