do you see, that his faith energized his works and from his works his faith matured (James 2:22) * When James writes faith without works is dead the above is the best way to explain it. It is similar to understanding grace, it doesn't stand alone but produces effects. * Faith also has effects, as Paul writes when we believe in our hearts something happens inwardly and the effect is the confession from the mouth of that inward change. Faith is also energized by love, which strengthens us. Faith without love is nothing thus Love is an action, a work of faith, so as the scriptures tell us love is a bond that leads to our maturity. Here we see that faith energizes us unto good works and our faith is matured through this kind of work. now, faith exists assurance, hope, persuasion of things not seen. For in it the elders testified of God (Hebrews 11:1-12) Faith exists substance and evidence, and the effect of that is meant to energize us into works. And as we are energized through ...
"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."1
We have been set free from the law of sin and death, given a Spirit of Life, we live by the Spirit and by such we will fulfill the righteous requirements of the law. What are these righteous requirements? well, they are what the Law pointed to, loving God and others. The ten commandments are about loving God and your neighbor. Jesus said these were the greatest commandments of God. Bearing one another's burden is loving Him, it is a new commandment that was an old given by example of Jesus, he lifted the burdens of people, so we too fulfill the Law of Christ.
The Pharisees and scribes using the law did nothing but put heavy burdens on people. Jesus came to set the captives free, free from what you say? surely the forgiveness of sin is the lifting of heavy burdens. "For powerless the Law in that it was weak through the flesh, God of himself having sent in likeness of flesh of sin, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh."3 There is much in this verse, Jesus came not to condemn the world but to condemn the flesh. This word for condemn means a righteous judge, so Jesus came not to judge us but save us, to judge sin, it is by Grace we are saved... The law had no power to judge sin, it nags at you, justly so, but it has no power over sin, but where sin abounded Grace abounded more.
We are under the Law of the Spirit and as Paul writes there is a Law of Christ. The Law of Christ is fulfilled in bearing one another's burden. This word for burden means to carry, lift, bear away. Now, it is no coincidence that Simon did carry the burden of the cross for Jesus, and if it is the Law of Christ, we are also to bear one another's burden. What is this burden? the word literally means weight, it is what weights someone down. We are to take up the weight of our brothers. "Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." We see the significance here, the cross we must bear is often weighty, so to fulfill the Law of Christ we are to help one another carry the burden.
Orphan Song
We have been set free from the law of sin and death, given a Spirit of Life, we live by the Spirit and by such we will fulfill the righteous requirements of the law. What are these righteous requirements? well, they are what the Law pointed to, loving God and others. The ten commandments are about loving God and your neighbor. Jesus said these were the greatest commandments of God. Bearing one another's burden is loving Him, it is a new commandment that was an old given by example of Jesus, he lifted the burdens of people, so we too fulfill the Law of Christ.
We are under the Law of the Spirit and as Paul writes there is a Law of Christ. The Law of Christ is fulfilled in bearing one another's burden. This word for burden means to carry, lift, bear away. Now, it is no coincidence that Simon did carry the burden of the cross for Jesus, and if it is the Law of Christ, we are also to bear one another's burden. What is this burden? the word literally means weight, it is what weights someone down. We are to take up the weight of our brothers. "Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." We see the significance here, the cross we must bear is often weighty, so to fulfill the Law of Christ we are to help one another carry the burden.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken in heart, to proclaim to captives deliverance and to the blind recovery of sight, to send forth the oppressed in deliverance,"7 This was the ministry of Jesus, surely this is the ministry of Jesus through us. Notice the structure of this sentence, and the objectives; 1. Anointed me to Preach good news to the poor 2. He has Sent me to Heal the broken hearted. 3. To Proclaim deliverance to the captives, the blind, and the oppressed. Surely we see the Law of Christ in this, to lift heavy burdens.
We have two primary duties in ministry; to accomplish the mission, and to care for one another. To not feed your people, to not care for them when they are sick, heavy burdened, is to put the mission at jeopardy. Sick, hungry, heavy burdened people can't fight well. Ironic right? In our effort to bear our own burdens and to teach such we jeopardize the mission and we break the commandments of God. Bearing one another's burden fulfills the Law of Christ. Now, we can boast about how we carry our cross, and even require others to bear it "like" we do, but does not such burden other people? We are to bear the weight of others, what becomes weighty to my brother. Is this not like the new commandment that was an old one, love one another as Jesus has loved us. How did He love us? did he not bear our burden on the cross?
"Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with heavy burdens, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers."6 This burden speaks of that which must be carried by the individual, we must learn to come to the One who gives us rest, this is a great principle of God, but surely we are to help, which means to facilitate Jesus in doing so, not adding to their burdens with judgement, nor lawyer fees :) It reminds me of what Paul writes, the people shame the name of God, by their judgment, law suits, against each other, it is better to be wrong, to forgive a debt than to take it to court among unbelievers.7 The world is surely not interested in helping you bear your burden only to condemn you, kick you when you are down. It is sad when Christians become like the world.
"For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself."8 It is no coincidence that Paul speaks of bearing burdens in context with accountability. Pride is often a major factor in allowing people to hold us accountable. This is my ministry, my business, how dare you come against me... While we want encouraging people around us, we also need those who are willing to bear the burden and speak truth to us. Trust is a big factor in accountability if we do not trust we will not allow people to speak into our lives, and respect is something that is earned, this happens usually when we help others bear their burden.
"For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself."8 It is no coincidence that Paul speaks of bearing burdens in context with accountability. Pride is often a major factor in allowing people to hold us accountable. This is my ministry, my business, how dare you come against me... While we want encouraging people around us, we also need those who are willing to bear the burden and speak truth to us. Trust is a big factor in accountability if we do not trust we will not allow people to speak into our lives, and respect is something that is earned, this happens usually when we help others bear their burden.
"For each will have to bear his own load." Our society is all about bearing your own load, no handouts... I like the phrase "teach someone to fish, rather than give them fish." Jesus fed them fish as He was teaching them to receive the bread from heaven. Bearing burdens is not giving handouts, there is a difference, if you are involved in their lives you will know. We are also to allow our work to be tested, "let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor." A good leader is open to testing, even if it is someone saying why did you punish me, or why did you treat me this way? this is allowing things to be brought into the light, tested, so that our works are shown as good. This builds trust. Our Justice system in this country has always allowed it to be tested, to appeal, when we do away with such a right it is not a good thing.
Accountability and burden bearing, it is one and the same, especially when prideful people are involved. God chooses to act through people, it is our faith that He works with. The Holy Spirit is called our helper, an interesting word, the first man was a living soul, the second man was a life-giving Spirit. This word for helper means "from close-beside make a call" a legal advocate.9 As Paul writes, a spiritual person is to be judged by no one but God. But we all need accountability. It is a great thing this new covenant, Jesus is our Teacher, Law-giver, and Just Judge. The Holy Spirit is our legal advocate, a helper causing us to learn and to remember.10 Surely, He is closer than a friend, gentle and humble in heart, His burden is light. We fulfill the Law of Christ when we bear one another's burden.
"Come to Me, all who are weary and being burdened, and I will give you rest. 12