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One Grace

"moreover, One, to each of us has been given Grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ."1

Grace is a founding principle of Christianity. It is by Grace we grow into the fullness of Christ through faith; "to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ."2 Without Grace we will never reach this fullness. The weakness in the Law was it attempted to do it in the flesh, and people failed over and over, so God in His infinite wisdom, unveiled this mystery, through faith in Christ we have grace to boldly approach His throne of Grace, to receive grace and mercy as needed!

This gift of Grace is properly understood by examining this verse in three parts; moreover, One Grace, to each of us has been given, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. First, we understand, One grace, it is easy to miss the One, and this verse is translated in different ways, I believe it says One Grace and is meant to be concatenated to the end of the previous verse; One Body, One Spirit, One Hope..., One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God... Moreover, One Grace. These are the founding principles of Christianity. One Grace was given by God as a gift, not that we should continue in sin that Grace may abound but that we might walk in newness of life. One Hope, purpose-driven in the gift of our calling.3 By One Baptism we die and are resurrected into life in Him. By One Spirit and One Lord, Jesus, the author of One Faith who provided this power to become a member of One Body, so we all have bold access to the One God, the Father.

When I hear the gospel of truth, the Word of God, and believe, I am sealed with His Spirit as a guarantee of inheritance. But I am left in this un-glorified body. So what is the point if not a relationship with Him? Sin is crouching at my door and it desires to rule over me, it seeks to destroy me, I must rule over sin. Under grace, I am empowered to rule over sin, "Indeed, you will not rule over sin under the law but under Grace."4 The law was weak because of the flesh. Under Grace, we still have this body, but I can approach the throne of Grace and receive grace and mercy as needed, I am given mercy not judgment, thus I can learn to rule over sin. The dispensation of Grace says that through faith in Jesus, the mediator of this new covenant, God has provided a way for me to rule over sin. We all have bold access to the Father. For it is by the blood of the Lamb and Lion the Word of God such Grace is possible, by believing in Jesus, who is the head of His Church.

Secondly, is to understand Grace has been given to each of usThis One Grace is a gift from God, "the gift in Grace which is of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many."3 Third, it is to understand that the purpose of Grace is that we reach His fullness; according to the measure of the gift of Christ. We see an interlude as Paul, full of such revelation, goes into the details of other gifts we receive from Christ. We will revisit these later, these gifts are given "with a view to perfecting the saints towards the work of ministry into building up the body of Christ." As with all gifts from heaven, this gift of Grace was given for the purpose of edification or building up of the body. Why? "until we might attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a man full grown to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." So Grace is given so that we might attain to the fullness of Christ. Powerful.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”7 Do you understand the purpose of Grace? without grace I have no bold access to the Father, I have no hope, when I fall short of the requirements of His righteousness, it would be over without Grace. Because of Grace I have the opportunity to grow into the maturity, to the full measure of Christ. If I use the Law to rule over sin then I must obey every tiny bit, and when I do break the law it's over, kick him out, give him over to Satan, he is not one of us. Sound familiar? 

The idea is that I learn not to be good in the flesh but to walk in the Spirit. And if I fall I have a just judge, an advocate with the Father, my high priest interceding for me, "if we should confess our sins, he is faithful and just that he might forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."8  This bold access to the father is a founding principle of this gift of One Grace. 

For by Grace, our faith will grow into the maturity of Christ. for by Grace are we saved, born again, and by Grace, we work out our salvation. It is through the Word of God that my faith increases, this gift of Grace says get up son, I love you, this is not who you are, confess and be cleansed. This Grace allows me to grow into maturity, into the full measure of Him, so that I become like Him, and stand firm in my identity. The edification of the body of Christ is for this purpose to achieve His fullness, so we are no longer tossed to and fro like little children.8. Into the fullness of the measure of Christ, to grow our faith so that as we Go into all nations we teach and help others grow into this fullness, this is a disciple. As we Go we teach people to grow....

Thanks be to God the Father for this the greatest gift, "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! of Christ"9 Oh this is a great gift to share, the spirit "manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing."10 This whole idea of being saved speaks to this, let us not so easily forget his goodness that leads men to repentance.11  Putting first things first, his kingdom principles as a solid foundation, being grounded and established in love. Now let us move on, deeper into the riches of Christ, we will need to stand firm, the gates of hell are against us, and the battle is not fleshly so the weapons of our warfare are spiritual. Let us grow up in all things into Him who is head, Christ, so that the body grows up into his workmanship to do good works, edifying into itself, in love. 

"In this is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world."12

Look Upon The Lord

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