These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.1
I recently ended up at the doctor's office at the most inopportune time. There waiting, God led me to speak with an elderly couple, both in their 90's. The husband was there to see the doctor so I talked with the wife for the most part. She too had sensed this was a divine appointment, and she spoke good things about her church. At one point though she lowered her head and said, because of our age and health we do not get to attend. Curiously I asked her, do people from her church stop by and visit, do they have a program for the elderly... she continued with her head lowered saying nothing. I shifted conversation and she raised her head and asked me to visit her church. And I did, several times.
A name, reputation, or characterization is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, i.e. it is something of his essence.2 Jesus the one who holds the Church in His hands, says to this one, you have a name, an essence of being alive, but you are dead. Alive, but dead, why was this? they had soiled their garments, no longer white, no longer walking with Him. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
Amen's were echoed throughout the sermon, energy, and enthusiasm seemed to be present, I thought to myself this church is alive. This church was all about discipleship and fellowship, and they invited me to be a part of it. I thought God had brought me there to show me what a church looked like, Alive. When I asked Him if He wanted me to be a part of this, He reminded me of the elderly couple, "what about them?" He asked. Recently I was approached by someone who wanted me to be a part of a discipleship program. He told me he thought it great God had "called me" to help orphans, the homeless, the least of these but this wasn't his "calling", his calling was to make disciples and he thought it should be mine too. I knew why God had me at the doctor's office that day. I was reminded of the elderly couple, I told him the story and asked "what about them?"
Jesus spoke of the Pharisees as having a name of being alive, externally wearing white garments, but truly they wore soiled garments, inside full of all uncleanliness. He named them hypocrites. They would search the earth looking for a disciple and once they found a poor willing subject, they would turn him into 7 times the uncleanliness they were. Jesus also warned of not abiding in truth, not soiling the garments, he compared this to a man who is cleansed but the unclean spirit returns to find the house empty and it brings more unclean spirits, And the last state of that person is worse than the first, 7 times worse.3 It is interesting that the unclean spirit returns to a house, God is speaking to His House. The sin of the church at Sardis was that it looked alive but it was dead, it had soiled its garments, no longer abiding and walking in truth, it let in to the "house" doctrines of unclean spirits. Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.4
Discipleship is called the great commission, it is a command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts. It is summed up by; Go, baptize, and teach all that Jesus has commanded. Discipleship is an important part of the Church. I received a personal invitation while fishing in Alaska, come follow me and I will make you a fisher of men, Jesus spoke this to me. I have seen the failure of the church to disciple my father, who grew up without a father. This failure has impacted my life tremendously; though a father he was not, he did not know how to be a father, he joined a church in his early twenties, they produced a Pharisee. But he was not a disciple truly, without father, no one developed an intimate relationship with him, no one mentored him, no one truly cared for him. Under the burden of legalism he abandoned his faith and his family. This abuse of authority has caused distrust of authority in many, I am not an isolated case, unfortunately. This experience has given me a heart for the fatherless and I do not want this cycle to continue. Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. Disciples are made by Jesus, fathers are to guide into this, fathers who are mature, who know He who is from the beginning, this will make true disciples of Jesus. I was recently around my father and for the first time I felt God's presence, he was no longer a Pharisee, his garments were white, it is easy to submit to such an example.
You see, the Pharisees had learned to be clean on the outside, they thought or pretended their garments were white. Do as they say, not as they do, Jesus said. Alive, But Dead. For the most part the Church at Sardis was dead, but He had a remnant, who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy.4 I understand the importance of discipleship, my father is a product of the church's failure in this. I also understand the importance of doing it right, without such Pharisees will be produced. There is an element as a young person where obedience and renewal of the mind is necessary, this time of renewal is one of complete trust. Without love and intimate relationship development, of trust and identity, discipleship will not be possible. The greatest commandment of the church is not discipleship, but to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This great commandment defeats legalism. This type of agape love produces a love for others; for the elderly, the widow, the orphans, the least of these... Jesus equated knowing Him to helping the least of these. Agape Love, the missing ingredient from the church that seemed alive, but was dead. Agape love produces love for others and duplication, it produces discipleship.
Jesus compares these people who seem alive to being lukewarm, he would like to spit these people out of His mouth. Jesus gives a warning of hell-fire and damnation to these religious Pharisees, their pollution, as Paul wrote, the leaven that leavens the whole lump, was adding legalistic doctrines, doctrines of unclean spirits, that would lead many astray from the Gospel of Grace and Truth. Such leaders who lead people astray, God is displeased by, this is why such emphasis is on leadership, this is why there is a higher accountability for leaders in His Church. Sometimes I wonder if I only changed my worldly acquaintances for Christian ones. If one is involved in a discipleship program, where one meets once a week, and still you do not trust them nor would not call them friends, I would be suspect. If you have never met outside the building called the church, never met their wives, never been to their house... be suspect, to me it is superficial. My point is, it is a serious matter, a time of intimate relationship development, no one will trust you until they trust you truly have their best interest at heart, and that you truly follow Jesus, by example in word and deed. If the greatest commandment is loving him then the purpose of His Church is the edification and building up of His people, His Church, into this love of God and love for others, and teaching others to follow Jesus too. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.6
Immature leadership takes the authority that God gives them and abuses it, lording over the people in the name of this authority, in the name of God. They break these greater commandments of love and treating others as Christ treats us, then they blame the people, oh they don't reverence me therefore they don't reverence God. In an attempt to justify themselves they endorse doctrines of demons. Jesus states the greatest commandment is loving God with all our heart... We will conquer or overcome through this love, not fear, guilt, or some misguided concept of obedience. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments... Jesus said, there is one like the first commandment, the second greatest commandment, it is loving others. If you love God then you love others. If you do not follow these great commandments then you are a Pharisee. Loving Him is abiding in Him, this produces fruit of the Spirit, of loving others. It is interesting that these are commandments, not if I feel like it, or if it is a "calling". Love God, a commandment! Love your neighbor; these in the ditch, orphans, widows, this is not a "calling" but a commandment! Loving and Forgiving your brother, a commandment! If you love Me you will follow My commandments! First Commandment: love God... Second Commandment: love others. New Commandment: love one another as I have loved... Golden Rule: treat others as I have treated you... Great Commission: go and help others be my disciple... teaching them these things I have commanded you!
Immature leadership takes the authority that God gives them and abuses it, lording over the people in the name of this authority, in the name of God. They break these greater commandments of love and treating others as Christ treats us, then they blame the people, oh they don't reverence me therefore they don't reverence God. In an attempt to justify themselves they endorse doctrines of demons. Jesus states the greatest commandment is loving God with all our heart... We will conquer or overcome through this love, not fear, guilt, or some misguided concept of obedience. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments... Jesus said, there is one like the first commandment, the second greatest commandment, it is loving others. If you love God then you love others. If you do not follow these great commandments then you are a Pharisee. Loving Him is abiding in Him, this produces fruit of the Spirit, of loving others. It is interesting that these are commandments, not if I feel like it, or if it is a "calling". Love God, a commandment! Love your neighbor; these in the ditch, orphans, widows, this is not a "calling" but a commandment! Loving and Forgiving your brother, a commandment! If you love Me you will follow My commandments! First Commandment: love God... Second Commandment: love others. New Commandment: love one another as I have loved... Golden Rule: treat others as I have treated you... Great Commission: go and help others be my disciple... teaching them these things I have commanded you!
Jesus was an example of what this love of God looked like, He knew where the battle would be; in the mind and hearts of people, so He commands us to love as He did. He didn't push his authority on people, he came to serve. By our love for one another the world will know we are His disciples. By our Unity the world will know He is from the Father. Yes make disciples, teaching them these things He has commanded you!5 Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.7